Mod request please for the love of the goddess someone fill it!

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Siveria, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Siveria

    Siveria Member

    Mod request please for the love of the goddess someone fill it!

    Its rather simple, have all meat and cheezes only drop in the ground meat/grated cheeze form, use the same values as if you grinded it yourself.

    Or a bigger inv mod because I am realllly starting to hate how much time I have to spend micro managing my inventory due to way WAY to many useless items. Do we really need like 6 meats and 12 cheezes? And like 8 diff types of booze that all heal about the SAME MANA? Seriously look at the top tier booze, they all heal bascally the same, so wouldn't it be better just to have 1 generic type?
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Unfortunately, while mod support currently allows us to add to the game, there is no mod support for removing things from the game (or altering things currently in-game). :(

    Sorry -- particularly because I'm so right there with you!
  3. VileDeacon

    VileDeacon Member

    While there's no way to do it MOD-wise... couldn't you just clone your dredmor game folder and edit the itemDB and such to remove the items you don't want and play that way? Granted, I'm no expert on modding, but I've toyed about with the vanilla game files and edited them to make changes to gameplay I couldn't accomplish with mods alone.

    Now, those edits were almost entirely swapping around skills to try the higher-end abilities in the trees, and tinkering with little things. So, please, if I'm suggesting something entirely batcrap-crazy, I apologize, and flaming is entirely unnecessary.

    Now, I don't know if that would also require you to edit the tweakDB about item rolls. There's a section in there that tells the game what items are what. Dunno if that's been made obsolete by this point. That, I'm not sure of. I've ADDED things, but I haven't tried playing with taking anything out. But the items are all in there, perhaps there's a way. Maybe that will help you on your way and if I've just made you more confused and exascerbated the problem then I'm quite sorry again.

    Best of luck to you!
  4. Siveria

    Siveria Member

    Well i did mod the gem transmutation skill to have 0 cooltime, I never understood the point to it having a 20 turn cooldown. This helps with inv a tiny bit. Open spellDB and search for Gem and change downtime=20 to downtime=0 to remove any cooldown.