Mod-Ideas.-motivation raising.

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Apocolototh, Oct 20, 2013.


Level of "Add this!"-ness

  1. meh.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Cool, you should probably do this

    2 vote(s)
  3. Definitly make this! Or get someone else to....

    0 vote(s)
  1. Apocolototh

    Apocolototh Member

    Or should I say: Mod-ivation raising? ziing. Ok, sorry for that

    I´m new to this forum and actually also new to DoD. Looking at mods was incredibly fun and, due to my modeate level of madness, started a few ideas of my own. Sadly, i´m also not too familiar with programming, which would mean I´d have to read up quite some things... which clashes with my inner lazyness. So I thought," lets see how the community likes them" and then see if I should go throught with it.
    The accurate Skill-descriptions( as soon as I actually know how to make them) , the kusive Background Texts and the sprites will follow anyways.

    Battle Barber-
    Having trained for years at your lokal hairsalon ,you are now advanced far enougth, to set out on a journey for training. Unfortunatly, this journey had you end up down here, and your "masters" seem to have meant something different with "training"...

    A warrior-skilltree with a few passives and actives, focussing on gaining badassitude and finding the true manlyness of Haircutting.

    Startingskill: casual smalltalk
    As a Barber, there is one thing you have to be able to do, if you want to stand your ground against the customers.And that is talking ,distrakting them from noticing you screwing up their hair.
    Turns out thats also pretty useful to keep enemies from thinking about killing you.

    A passive. Maybe a bonus on doging or something, since you distract your enemys

    Follicle activation
    Knowing how to massage the skin correctly to make the hair grow is apparently pretty useful against sratches and stuff. With bigger wounds, you can at least grow your own threat to stich it together faster.
    Either a passive or active. Bonus on regeneration or a heal.

    (optional): Bad haircut
    People you dont like before the haircut, dislike you even worse after the haircut, most of the times. Now you have fined the mastery of the mullet, the bowl head and the jheri curl so far, you can actually hurt the very existance of others around them with it.
    You can produce haircuts so bad, it actually hurts the very soul of your enemies. Add existential damage.

    F**ing fabulous
    a.k.a. Dont mind me, Im just standing here. Looking awesome.
    Passive. Maybe again on doging or on tankyness

    Master of the flying LureHood(Not sure if its the right word, I mean those hood-things your hair gets dried in, at the hairdresser)
    Your mastery of the lure hood-makes it a weapon. And you can now give Bad haircuts to people who are not even next to you.
    Active. A ranged singletarget debuff. Maybe some existential damage(or increased range of *Bad Haircut*), caus of bad haircuts and such.

    Laser of manlyness
    As an extension of your activated follicles, your chesthair has developed an explosive amount of power, which you can release by tactical exposion of it.
    Active: nuke, pretty selfexplaining.

    Not many people know of the power lying in the correct beard. This ancient beardstyle multiplies the melee-power and Kung-Fu-ness of the wearer, thought he also seems to develop problems talking accent-free.
    Passive. Melee Boost.

    Bo Bo BoBo Bo. Attack me again. I dare you, I double dare you! Hm, lately I seem to do some pretty random things....
    Active. short, strong meleebuff.

    For centuries there has been one, true companion to magicians everywhere. The Tophat. A few of them even got so far they could use magic througth them. When you were little, one of them amazed you, and you set your mind on following the path of the Tophat. Seems its not as easy as it looked...
    A mage-skilltree. Its mostly about the atmosphere, so I dont really know how I should theme the skilleffects.
    And you get a Tophat at the start.

    Starting skill: Distracting Handmovements
    And, as you can see, I have NOTHING up my sleeve. And also nothing up the other. Oh my, whats that behind your ear?
    Passive: it should probably do something for doging or gettin away. Maybe an active meleeranged confuse-skill?

    Your hat becomes stronger, it learns, it adapts. Few are left to stand against against the accumulated trendiness of you hat.
    Passive: Again, something with getting away through dazzling your opponents with the stylishness of you hat. The modern fashion show kind....

    Whats in the hat?
    You reach into your hat and grab the usual bunny-ears. Turns out theres Bombs with bunnyears nowadays, too. Well, too bad for your audience...
    Ranged Nuke, maybe with a small AoE.

    Wait, there is more in it!
    You can pull a seemingly endless stream of stuff out of your apparently bottom-, or rather top-less tophat.
    I think it should give some kind of carrying buff, if that is possible. If not, I need to do a new skill.

    By throwing the tophat the right way, it becomes a flying ball of, well Tophat. But, as Mr Bond can probably tell you, you do not want to be hit by a flying hat.
    Kind of like chain lightning. You throw the hat and it bounces between a few enemys.

    Yup, I just pulled that off.
    A short ranged Teleport.

    Pull the Hat
    Dacapo? Sure, if you insist.... /
    What? The same trick again? Why, of course!

    If its possible, It should lower the cooldown on the last uses spell or refresh it. Could be a little bit OP, so it probably needs much tweeking.

    Your study of rhetoric and politics have made you a fairly confident liar. Sadly you have taken it too far and now you dont quite remember what exactly was true and what not.

    This is a rogue-skilltree where the skills should give usefull things with added debuffs, which make them kind of below average. The last skill is supposed to eradicate all of those debuffs making them slightly above average. It will probably need the most balancing.

    Starting skill:It was thaaat big
    Beeing a new shark in the finance-sektor of the dungeon, you need stories of the HUGE fish you managed to land, of course. Nobobody needs to know their true sizes thought.
    A passive attack boost, that gives you the same amount as a debuff on-hit, due to your showing off beeing discovered.(Only the first hit does extra Damage)

    Don´t worry, I´m a doctor
    When there are people in need, you always know the right thing to say, to calm them down. Well, at least when it stays at ´saying´.
    A heal that gives a debuff when you use it.

    Shadowless kick
    Describing your awesome skill makes your opponents weary, and easier to hit. Too bad, that you know the truth.
    An active AoE-debuff, which also effects you.

    You are known for your quick killing techniques. That makes your enemys usually overreact to your first hit. You should know, you started that roumor! If they find the truth out thought...
    A passive crit chance, kind of like" it was thaaat big",

    There is no such thing as: too much cool rumors about you on peoples minds.
    No, wait! Actually there is....

    Bigger Version of One-hit-kill

    Quadruple tap
    You need to be fast, to survive in the world of hypocritisy (?!?). Running into the wall a few times is ok, if you still find your mouse-hole.
    Active: Makes your next attack hit 4 times. Also decreases your accuracy to 25%

    Hyper-Hypocrite/ Selfdeception
    Because in lies lies only lie, so when the liar lies lieing on the lieing side, is there truth lieing beneath the lies, or lies it , lying on li.....wait, where was I?
    You are now so good at lieing, that you start to believe them yourself.
    Passive:Gets rid of the debuff.

    Blue Blobby-hybrid
    This should be a Warrior-tree

    Starting Skill: Buffering Body
    Passive, gives some Survivability-stats

    melting flesh
    Regeneration or active heal

    adapting form
    Offensive bonus/ dodging bonus

    blobbiefy weapon
    bonus blunt damage (crushing?)

    Oh, great, more of me
    Gives you a buff that will spawn friendly Blobbys when you recive a certain amount of damage.
    Probably the LvL6

    similar to rocket jump

    Pump me up
    active offensive boost

    Green Blobby-hybrid
    Probably a rougue tree

    Starting skill: acidic sweat
    Adds some acid-damage to your weapon.
    Enemys recieve damage when they attack you.

    lower PH-value
    Heithens damage of acidic sweat

    grumpy c...slime

    You have reached the peak of sourness, and are now so acidic, things you punch tend to melt, before you actually hit them.
    further heithens the bonus-damage(probably last point)

    greener ´n meaner
    Not yet sure about this one: probably bonus poison damage

    coating your weapon

    Active: at the cost of some life it givesa good bonus-damage buff(acidic and poison)


    You do an AoE with acid-damage

    fluid body

    Dodging bonus

    Blink-mage (not what you think)
    Starting Skill:Staring Contest
    existential Damage/. Or it blinds the monster

    Don´t blink
    A bonus to survivability

    (Basicly the thing Ivankov does)
    A one-target nuke.

    I don´t see you, you don´t see me
    some kind of escape-thing, where you cant attack for a short duration

    slooooow blink


    deeep look

    Nuke damage

    open your eyes and see

    Last skill, either a buff to you, like mana or spellpower or something,
    or an AoE
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2013
  2. arqueblush

    arqueblush Member

    Teh Were-Raver

    You has become a dance crazed creature of the night...
    The only way to stop it is a silver stiletto through the heart.
    But you kinda need your heart so... the freaks come out!!!
    spell image
    skill description
    tisnotawig achievements\guess_whos_coming_to_dinner1.png
    the other nights bite That was the dumbest thing you have ever been involved in.

    grinninmad achievements\sir_mixalot1.png
    the music is too loud I don't even like clubs. Why would I have done that?

    extaticism skills\alchemical_inspiration64.png
    pounding and grinding What the hell is going on!? What the hell am I doing!?

    delux_eyes skills\eye_lasers64.png
    drinking tequila shot Dancing sexily and crawlingaround on the bartop? WHAT AM I?!

    bloodshots achievements\aagh_argh1.png
    such awful kiss dare! Nothing could have prepared you for the horror!

    glitterher skills\aetherweaver64.png
    you foul beast you... The moon is always full. COME ON!

    sidewalker achievements\suddenly_the_dungeon_collapses1.png
    vodka and sweat smell This explains everything! I AM A MONSTER!!

    You didn't get this from me mwahahahaha.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I like the hatnomancer and the battle barber.
  4. Apocolototh

    Apocolototh Member

    OK, more descriptions and effects added.