Make crafting Jingly Jangly Staves require Alchemy rather than Smithing

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jabe, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Jabe

    Jabe Member

    It seems odd that the last staff in the series suddenly requires 5 Smithing rather than Alchemy.
    I personally 'modded' it on my client so that it required Alchemy.
  2. mwoody

    mwoody Member

    Weird: I can make it on my tinker. Are you positive it's not a multi-type recipe?
  3. ChaoticBroth

    ChaoticBroth Member

    I just checked the XML, and it's Smithing, which is definitely very odd.
  4. Pecka

    Pecka Member

    I was wondering about that when i noticed you can smith staves. I didn't even know you can use alchemy for it. Smithing for mages doesn't make much sense.