Looking for an artist.

Discussion in 'Modding' started by SeptimusHeap, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

    Any idea of when you could start making art again?
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Speaking from vague experience:
    One should recognize that any artist who is good enough to do decent quality work is probably a professional or a student and has to do art for money or for marks. With artists being paid crap in general, money (/marks) always come first and will generally tank their sorta-kinda free art 'obligations' made online. Further, an artist has limited creative energy they have to invest in their work AND this hobby-like project - sometimes one just gets tired.

    I've seen it happen all the time with volunteer game/mod groups and it'll always happen as artists overextend themselves. Be understanding.

    My advice for making indie games is to actually pay your artists for their work. For mods though? Hmm ... work with it, somehow? This I admittedly have less experience with.

    Ahem! Thus ends our tangent for the day.
    Aegho, mining, Cullen and 2 others like this.
  3. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

    I understand, I was just wondering if I should stop bothering him and look for another artist.
  4. IchigoRXC

    IchigoRXC Member

    This is the latest. just a quick thing I threw together before bed, don't want you to think I have disappeared, just a little busy that is all.
  5. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

    Thanks a ton, Ichigo. I'll try not to rush you, I know you're busy with work and other things, and that making some art for a random guy on the internet isn't exactly high priority.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  6. IchigoRXC

    IchigoRXC Member

    Hey, I reckon I will get the next one done tomorrow, got a bit of time before I get my next bit of work to do on thursday. Goodness knows which one I will move onto though. Who knows I may have a productive day and get more than one done.
  7. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

    Sounds good. Thanks!
  8. IchigoRXC

    IchigoRXC Member

    So I skipped a skill and went for entrepreneur of emotion, here is it based of a very famous piece of art. :)
    shaken, Aegho, Darkmere and 1 other person like this.
  9. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

  10. IchigoRXC

    IchigoRXC Member

    Here is my take on mind entanglement. A zombie with no mind >.< I am going to attempt another one now as I wish to get these finished by the end of the week. Then it is holiday time. Woo.
    SeptimusHeap likes this.
  11. IchigoRXC

    IchigoRXC Member

    Here is the other one I have been working on, I was running them in tandem, nice to get them both out here today for review :) Self Hypnosis
  12. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

    Thanks Ichigo! Only one more to go!
  13. IchigoRXC

    IchigoRXC Member

    Have the pictures been ok, anything need changing? I will work on it soon (tonight or tomorrow) but at the moment I am making weapon images for my own mod, when I get around to making it haha.
    SeptimusHeap likes this.
  14. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

    No, they're all great!
  15. SeptimusHeap

    SeptimusHeap Member

    Thanks for all your help, Ichigo. I have a steam key I can give you for a few games if you'd like, and if it wouldn't be too hard, could you attempt the mastery of lethargy icon? No rush at all! :)
  16. IchigoRXC

    IchigoRXC Member

    I will sort the last skill out, unfortunately due to deadlines, I didn't manage to finish it before going on holiday. If I get a spare moment when I have had too much fun in the sun I may whip out the mac and give it a go. If not I will do it when I get back on 10 days. Laters