Let's talk about Revision 32!

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Oct 17, 2014.

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  1. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    Had a good play-through.
    This time I said to my self that I will not interfere with the military, so I didn't (except on conscripting).
    The map itself contained no fishmen that i could find, but when the raids started my NCO handled well without me placing rally points at all.

    When a raid of 25 were announced I just had to conscript everyone to ensure the safety of my colony and handled the attack with only two losses. But the building that were about to be built before the attack were never finished. Probably due to the assigned workers converted to conscripts and lost the assignment when converted back.

    I also had problems with the module placing. Sometimes when I placed a module it wouldn't appear in it's ghost form, and sometimes (as a thread has already said) the module by accident got placed outside the building.
    But on the fun side I can place beds in all sorts of buildings, so now my workers can sleep where they work. Huzzah for work efficiency!

    At day 12 the game started lag a lot and then crashed.
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