Just Played Clockwork Empires in Virtual Reality

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Unforked, May 24, 2016.

  1. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    It works!

    For anyone curious, this is using a Rift CV1 with Virtual Desktop. So, it's not VR as most would think of it, since you're still playing the game on a 2D screen (while floating in space), but that screen can be IMAX sized if you want. Text is surprisingly readable, although some of the tooptips were a bit of a strain.

    Performance was surprisingly great! Loaded up my most recent game with population 70 and had no slowdowns or hiccups.
    Rentahamster and dbaumgart like this.
  2. Rentahamster

    Rentahamster Member

    I'm gonna have to try this later. Where the hell did I leave my DK2.... lol