Items can spawn beneath shrines and cannot be picked up

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Jabe, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Jabe

    Jabe Member

    Title. This is in regards to items (I've seen grog and money) appearing beneath a Monolith/Eyeball Shrine/Mellow Shrine which cannot be picked up.
  2. Ria Hawk

    Ria Hawk Member

    I've had this problem too. I can see the sparkle that means an item, and I can hover over it to see what it is, but if I try to click on it to get it, I just get the shrine description.
  3. Kullimarsu

    Kullimarsu Member

    If you have the unarmed skill, you can just use the Throwing Buffalo technique to move the shrine. That works for several other things in the dungeon as well, for example the stone tombs (but only the half you kick of it will move).