How exactly does "This translation is all wrong!" work?

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Moses, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. Moses

    Moses Member

    Mechanically, how does it work?

    How many stats can I get? Are there any rules to what stats you will get and won't get? What effect does rerolling the same item over and over have?

  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

  3. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    What effect does "lost in your own museum" do? Also, does it reassign both negative/ positive attributes, and then subtract one point from both/ one randomly/ only positive attributes? I have never really tested it out, since I don't feel that the second skill is all that fair, and so I have avoided using the tree when reasonable.
  4. jzworkman

    jzworkman Member

    Lost in your own museum makes it so you cant use it on that item any more. It reassigns both the positive and negative values with a 50% chance to subtract one positive enhancement.
  5. It looks like a 60% chance to lose one point of quality in the base values of TweakDB to me:
    So if your artifact is corrupted, you can effectively think of it as a 40% chance to make that corruption disappear, and a 60% chance to replace the negative stat with the loss of a positive stat.
  6. jzworkman

    jzworkman Member

    That is for the sending an artifact to the museum to get exp.(which is the second skill)

    Also it does not remove negative stats. The negative total stays the same, only the positive stats can get removed.
  7. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    It would be cool if it had a chance remove corruption (possibly a very low chance to remove Krong curses too?).. I might actually use it if it had an effect like that.
  8. jzworkman

    jzworkman Member

    There is a skill to get rid of corruption(but not negative krong) -- It's the last skill in the demonology skill tree, Flames of the heckforge
  9. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Heckforge gets rid of corruption, Translation gets rid of negative krong.
  10. jzworkman

    jzworkman Member

    Translation does not get rid of negative krong, it just re-rolls it. Sometimes it looks like the negatives are removed because you cannot have negative damage values but it never removes a negative stat and that stat will re-appear if re-rolled again.
  11. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    I know that Heckforge gets rid of corruption, and I am not saying that Translation should replace that.. I just meant that it would be cool if it had a small chance to remove negative effects, and not just positive effects.
  12. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    "You lost the translation somewhere in your own musesum. Because of that, you can't re-translate."

    Something like that, as it simply doesn't allow you to change its bonuses any more.

    Right now it's the closest thing we have to actually removing negative krongs, as it takes some positive bonuses and flattens a negative bonus for us.
  13. I asked about TTiaW in the IRC, and much discussion was had. I'm posting what I understood to be the mechanics, so others won't need to ask (if correct) or so someone can further explain (if I still don't get it). I didn't ask how corruption influences TTiaW.

    TTiaW calculates an artifacts number of enchants as "power points," has a random chance to subtract an additional 1 from that total, and then re-creates the artifact from scratch.

    If the total number of "power points" is zero or less, the artifact is lost in the museum. The created artifact is always the same base item type.

    The "power points" total is derived from adding the number of positive enchantment points and subtracting the number of negative enchantment points. A +1 Armor Absorbtion counts as 1 positive point, whereas a -3 Necromantic Resist would count as 3 negative points.

    So, if you had a particularly good positive enchant for your character (say +6 Magic Power for a mage) and an unimportant negative (-10 sneak for the mage), it is probably better to not translate at all.
    Kazeto likes this.
  14. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    AFAIK, it tracks good and bad enchants separately, but other than that you're right.
  15. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Yes Fax, it does, but most of the time it doesn't matter whether it rolls 5 positives, or 8 positives and 3 negatives. The end result is often the same.