Greedy Blungecap not working?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by tcjsavannah, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. tcjsavannah

    tcjsavannah Member

    Trying a fungal arts/melee build and three successive uses of a Greedy Blungecap yielded no HP gain at all on any hit of a mob on Level 3.
  2. Eadeve

    Eadeve Member

    Make sure you are hitting things that have/should have blood. Blobs, ghosts, constructs etc do not have blood and will not give you hp for hitting them with vampirism or blungecap. This is intended
  3. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Blobs do actually have blood.
  4. Eadeve

    Eadeve Member

    Sanguine ones do, certain ones dont.
  5. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    IF it's intended, I am afraid, they completely and totally broke Vamprism and it can never ever be used in a build again.
    Seriously, I have no clue what hallucinogenics they were on when they decided to completely destroy that entire tree.
    Blobs should have something to leech from. Life essence even. They're not zombies....
    As for the undead, well, yeah, you can't heal from them. However, that makes level 2 impossible as a Vampire.
    Unless you edit the game or have ungodly luck.
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I still use vampires with nearly every build but yes it's currently underpowered. The reason for this however:

    Vampirism relies on piercing damage which is then transferred into health. It has nothing to do with whether a mob has blood or does not have blood. It just so happens that things like blobbies have piercing resist (as do most things higher level so it does become useless).

    It should be fixed, but priorities and all.
  7. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    Actually it does - you can't leech from 'Construct' or 'Vegetable' monsters. That means all Golems/Robots/Carrots/Tubers/etc. It was changed when the new monster taxonomy stuff was added in the expansion.

    This is a bit harsh on some floors.
  8. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    ...Huh. Learn something new everyday. Regardless my point stands towards blobbies and such, because if they have sufficient piercing resist you don't leach.

    Thanks though, I didn't realize that.
  9. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Part of me was worried you were going to get mad for me claiming the designers were on Hallucinogenics... :)
    I can be annoying after all.
    And yes, currently, vampirism is about as useful as a 5th wheel for a car, and an extra thumb. :)
  10. tcjsavannah

    tcjsavannah Member

    Ok, I went back and tested it again on a sanguiblobby and I did get the gain, so it does work. But is very limited.. as stated above, levels 2 & 3 are full of non-vampable mobs.
  11. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Yeah. I don't see the big point in destroying Vampirism completely...
  12. Vampirism was over-nerfed. I'd take Smithing before Vampirism now, that's how bad it is.
  13. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Well, Smithing is actually useful though. :) At least, I enjoy using the Smithing and Archaeology combo.