Gibber Jabber

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by ElectricMessiah, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. My 9mo old kitten likes aged 10 year old sharp Cheddar cheese.
    She doesn't seem to be healing any quicker though...
  2. Most cats are surprisingly crazy about cheese. I knew a nice couple who worked at the ren faire and taught their cat (when it was a kitten) to sit on their shoulders by putting cheese up there. Now they can just walk around with a cat on their shoulder like an oversized, adorable parrot.
  3. lol. I did that with one of my cats named Maggie, she was a orange striped Manx. The verbal command was "Co Pilot". I'd kneel down and she would hop onto my knee then shoulder. I even took her through the grocery store once.
  4. blob

    blob Member

    Careful though, I think milk based stuff are not always very good for cats ( i know there's that thing of giving milk to cats, which should be done when they are kittens but not for adults ). But yeah cats love milk, cheese, or yoghurt even.
    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  5. I read up about the milk. It is good for kittens/young adults (1st year) as they can metabolize it. Older cats tend to get diarrhea from milk. Dairy products a whole are ok. Just don't give them a lot and when you do, look at the droppings just to make sure. There is also the individual aspect.

    I haven't given them pork rihns (sp?) yet. The only ones I have right now are Jalapeno. Wouldn't be a nice thing to do. When I was growing up, our cat would go nuts over them.
    brobbeh likes this.
  6. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Raw milk should be just fine for cats of any age, if you can get it. The enzymes in raw milk help the kittehs digest it (said enzymes are killed in the pasteurization process, which is why we never heard of lactose intolerance until we started boiling our milk.)
  7. blob

    blob Member

    Oh didnt know that.
    And so theoretically, a guy who s lactose intolerant could drink raw milk and have no problem ?
  8. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yep. (My mother in law is a nutritionist, so I have all kinds of crazy food-related factoids stuck up in my head.) Raw milk is villified by the US government as the source of all kinds of death and plague, but the truth is that it is, in general, much better for you than pasteurized, homogenized milk. I've been drinking raw milk for years (and my son drank it exclusively when we weaned him onto a bottle). It also makes much better homemade ice cream.

    You do have to get used to the fact that you can taste what the cows ate -- my raw milk tastes just faintly of grass, and I've had some that tastes just faintly of corn. I think of that as a good thing; it means I'm getting more nutrients from the plants that cow ate. :)
    Kazeto, Wi§p and brobbeh like this.
  9. blob

    blob Member

    It also means this doesnt comes from cow fed with this mixed meat crap they often give them...
    Good to know, thanks for sharing !
    US does have a problem with natural stuff. Really annoying when it comes to get young cheese and decent yoghurts.
  10. Very good to know. Thanks.
    I've read the same stuff about Camel milk, except about the flavor.
  11. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    To be honest, the problem doesn't end with just milk, but with governments in general being paranoid about cleanness and sterility of everything. Which is quite bad, because with proper quality control, it's much better for humans to eat stuff that isn't perfectly sterile. And that's ignoring the fact that thermally processed food often doesn't have everything that normal food has, and I'm not talking about bacterium.
    Godwin, Wi§p, brobbeh and 1 other person like this.
  12. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Damn straight. This whole stupid thing in the US where every time they have an 'outbreak' of some microbe-related disease they pass a law that says that that entire category of foodstuffs (almonds, spinach, many more) MUST be pasteurized is literally killing a good chunk of the nutritive value of those foods. It's really sad, because the right response is to crack down on the food handlers -- after all, E.Coli doesn't just 'show up' on spinach -- it has to get POOP on it for that to happen.

    Cooking the poop so it won't kill you is not the proper response.
    Godwin and Wi§p like this.
  13. blob

    blob Member

    Yeah ! Let's pass a law to pasteurize poop !
    Loswaith likes this.
  14. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Yup it's insane, i came across this article a week or two back, might be interesting for y'all :)

    Loswaith, Kazeto and blob like this.
  15. There are cultures that are nutritionally deficient, to this day, that will ingest their own feces to get the protein from it. It is not uncommon for dogs to do this.
  16. badboy80

    badboy80 Member

    I love how this started out from a cat liking cheese :p
  17. :) Hence, The Gibber Jabber Title.
    Go with the flow, Ex-Lax. ;)
  18. badboy80

    badboy80 Member

    What happens if a cat was lactose intolerent? Would they ingest their own feces, or would they have to only have raw milk?
  19. I think cats get diarrhea and intestinal discomfort... I think.
    They won't ingest their own or anything else's unless they were nutritionally deficient in something that was in it... Mostly it is a protein thing, from what I've read.
  20. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Lactose intolerance just means they won't be able to eat anything that has lactose *and* was thermally processed, lest they turn into shit-delivering machines of doom. If they get enough nutrition from other sources, they don't need to eat their feces.
    blob likes this.