Windows Vista/7 64-bit Game resolution bug.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by leoleosuper, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I am also using Windows 7. ;)
    Windows 7.jpg
    I use Classic Shell. It just looks similar to XP I suppose. But I cannot easily switch back to the way Windows 7 defaults to and see what you see. I thought this part was the same. Can anyone help "Translate" what I am asking to whatever Windows 7 needs to be done?
  2. leoleosuper

    leoleosuper Member

    Ok. You may find a guide on Google. Also I tried 20 pages on google so I can't use google.
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Try this: right click your desktop, select screen resolution and then put it to 1366 x 768

    If your laptop resolution is any higher everything will screw up, not just Dredmor.

    THEN Dredmor should work when you set it at the same resolution.
  4. leoleosuper

    leoleosuper Member

    I doesn't have that option+the lowest DoD can go is 1280 X 1024 no matter what resolution I set my computer to. Also other games don't screw up at 1980 X 1280.
  5. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Put this file in your C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Gaslamp Games\Dungeons of Dredmor\ and overwrite the original. See if that fixes it. If not then I am out of ideas.

    Attached Files:

    leoleosuper likes this.
  6. leoleosuper

    leoleosuper Member

    Thanks that worked! Also I figured out the problem. DoD thinks I get 1920 X 1280 but it relly gets what a G60JX gets.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  7. leoleosuper

    leoleosuper Member

    I forgot o say "Thanks" so Thanks and I did change a few things in it. All of it steam related.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  8. leoleosuper

    leoleosuper Member

    Problem. The bottom of DoD is under my task bar.
  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Alright. Here is the same file with fullscreen enabled. It should fix that issue. If not, revert to the earlier file.

    Attached Files:

  10. leoleosuper

    leoleosuper Member

    No it didn't work. Any mods that give custom resolutions?

    Edit: It shows a corner of the screen. The top lefthand corner.
  11. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I am out of ideas. Sorry.
  12. leoleosuper

    leoleosuper Member

    FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I set the taskbar to atuohide!!!!!!!!!!!
    OmniNegro likes this.