Fuck Rutabagas

Discussion in 'Conquest of the Wizardlands' started by Highwang, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Highwang

    Highwang Member

    There's challenges, then there's losing 136 max hp and dying from turning a fucking corner.

    Food poisoning needs a cap or something, this is crap.

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  2. Are you running the current hotfix (11b)? GL tweaked Rb's to reduce their deadly charges. The fix is included in the main patch releasing this week, as well. (You can read the upcoming patch notes on the homepage)
  3. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    Food poisoning is part of a larger bug in buff stacking. It's getting fixed, as Apprentice has noted there is a fix available right now.
  4. Giygas

    Giygas Member


    Either way, there's a reason I made my signature.
    Doc Gelegentlich likes this.
  5. Highwang

    Highwang Member

    This should just be a "Ridiculous debuff stack" thread, because boy howdy I have a lot.

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    OmniNegro likes this.
  6. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    ^^^ I got the first bug BEFORE CoTW.

    Also, i'd hate to be hit by the rutabaga in the second picture...

    I've never seen the murderous rutabagas (DL2) charge before. Do they even do it?
  7. Highwang

    Highwang Member

    Seems like only the Ancient ones and Mandrakes do that, seeing how they are poisonous/spoiled food.