Equip Compare and more pack space

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sepioth, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Sepioth

    Sepioth Member

    Would it be possible to add an Equipment Compare option so I can easily compare an item in my inventory with one that is currently equipped?

    This would really help in determining what to use and what to sell.

    Also how about adding a crafting bag? A place to store all the crafting materials and such. Would help with inventory management as I'm typically a pack rat and like to collect stuff. Usually it's to sell it.

    If you can't add pack space can u add a value to the tooltip so we know sell price?
  2. Aftermath

    Aftermath Member

    Sell price seems to be randomized each game and maybe changes as you go down floors. Eventually, you'll get a feel for what's worth keeping and what isn't. A separate crafting bag would be nice, but I think one of the staples of a roguelike is resource management? So I wouldn't hold my breath on something like this.
  3. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    DofD is actually pretty generous with space, as compared with typical roguelikes. Heck, many of them force you to manage weight as well.

    As far as comparing, items, even with a compare option, the differences can be kind of cryptic. I find it easier to just swap in and out items in order to figure out what's changing. There's just too many different symbols, some of which look pretty similar.