Earliest Access Feedback and Reactions

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by convolutedthinker, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Thanks for the detailed feedback! Good suggestions. The specified stockpile thing is actually in the latest version! Clearing footprints of clearables, and making them non-buildable if there's something non-"clearable" (like a tree) in the way is something that we will do but haven't quite had time.

    I'm sure we can come up with some sort of Environmentally "Friendly" power options a bit later :)
  2. Meat&Bones

    Meat&Bones Member

    Just wanted to 2nd Insanius. I was about to make pretty much the same post, the problem with bushes has been clear in virtually if not every playthrough. I wish there was some way to know which modules did what. Now that there are three kinds of ovens, why should I build one over the other? What are the differences? And what the heck does everything in a carpentry workshop do?
  3. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Windmills please. It's very steampunk, and you are going to need it to power your coal mines before you can drive machines with anything better!
  4. RoofLizard

    RoofLizard Member

    Aww, I want to pollute and grime the environment so much that it causes disease and sickness. Cabbages covered with black soot from the mine smog, miners with lungs collapsing, people vomiting in the streets, dead fish floating onto shore.

    All for the progress of the Empire!
    Xyvik likes this.
  5. For the Queen and Country, for Science and Profit. I second that!
  6. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    Brilliant Game, the trailer made me want to buy instantly. My type of game all over. The way you guys have implemented the idea with the mechanics and art styles already is impressive. Really does fit in with the whole theme and atmosphere and I am enjoying every moment I play it :)

    Only thing I have noticed really is:

    The renovation tool. I decided to avoid using that specific tool for one reason which is that it usually causes the game to crash when using and pretty much played until I had to leave with no issues :) Would be handy to fix of course but all in due course. The longer the game goes on and bigger your Colony gets, I notice a drop in performance slightly. Colonists and other pieces tend to stutter around in their walking/running and for some strange reason within the User Interface it seems to practically almost lag out on the worker crew tab. Only when you are on "All Crews". Seems okay when you are viewing like one eg. Military Regiments etc

    Apart from that I am looking forward to every update. I shall be watching this closely and have hopes as this game has so much potential and possibilities within it. Keep up the good work guys!
  7. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    The Renovation Tool is crashy as heck. It is next on my TODO list once these blasted saves are done.
  8. Ghin

    Ghin Member

    I just witnessed a soldier bludgeon a fishperson to death with a log and then devour the remains of his fallen comrades. Life on the frontier has hardened my spirit to the point where this horrifying act doesn't seem out of the ordinary.
    Darkmere likes this.
  9. Korva

    Korva Member

    I puttered around a bit with the Steam version yesterday. Four "so how's this work?" colonies succumbed to crashes rather quickly so I didn't get too far in, but that aside, the initial impression was quite good and I can't wait to see more of the roadmap implemented. My first thoughts and wishes, partly echoing what others have mentioned already:

    1. As a Dwarf Fortress player, I like the colonist descriptions and memories but wish there was also a mood indicator and a list of reasons for why the colonists feel as they do. (Can't wait for character relationships. Grudges, rivalries, friendships? Yes please.)
    2. A command to flatten currently unusable land is so it can be built on is definitely a must.
    3. Farm and stockpile removal should be added ASAP as well.
    4. I'd really like more control over my stockpiles so I can choose exactly which type of item goes where. The handful of categories we have now are too generic (and still get ignored sometimes).
    5. In the commodities menu, I wish there was an option to list all item types, not just the ones I currently have at least one of.
    6. I hope some kind of "keep X of Y in store" automation will be implemented at some point, from the individual workshops and/or the commodities menu.
    7. Being able to give a kill order for a specific animal or enemy would be helpful.
    8. As would some kind of defensive fortification or barricade or fence (and associated gates) to help keep out wandering aurochs and pissed-off fishpeople.
    9. A walls-down building view would help with some visibility issues.
    10. Placing a building feels a little clumsy. Designating a floorplan before I know what modules are required/available and how much space they need is a bit like putting the cart before the horse. There's also no indication of what the modules do, which would be really helpful to know. (On a visual note, I also hope for windows soon.)
  10. Ghin

    Ghin Member


    Is it though? Is it really growing nicely? Really?
    Daniel likes this.
  11. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Ticket OC-1800
  12. Yamato

    Yamato Member

    So far it seems Fishpeople are the most efficient renewable food source, taking far less effort than farming and not being all that threatening. Is this intentional?
  13. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    Slightly unintended probably. Although this would be easy to balance out if eating fish people caused minor madness.
  14. EggsAckly

    EggsAckly Member

    Loving the game so far but I'm getting a crash every day at least once , save game please , save game please , save game please ! I know it's your highest priority right now . Once you get that part fixed I will love you forever ( but only in that burly , manly , punch in the shoulder way ) :)
  15. EggsAckly

    EggsAckly Member

    Fish people seem to be no problem unless you get a major wave of them . Harvesting caviar pisses them off , as does exploring the beach area . I sometimes turn off militias hauling jobs so they don't get too far away from the center of the town .
  16. Colin

    Colin Member

    I made it through about 20 or so Days with a very nice stockpile. Then a crash.. :confused: I was a little hurt. Still trucking on the frontieer though.
  17. Cogmachine

    Cogmachine Member

    my only problem is an extremely slow gameplay, i can't even play like this
    i got intel3
    all games like skyrim, resident evil 6, GTA V, LOTR, left 4 dead 2, run extremely well
    this game is the only one that runs very slow, only the main menu runs fast.
    do you guys see any solutions for this? i even used game booster, the game only ran 1% faster, but still unplayable for me
  18. Colin

    Colin Member

    I am playing on an i7 4770k overclocked to 4.5ghz with 1866mhz 16gb of Corsair Dom Plat Ram DDR3 and using a 120 SSD Samsung Evo. It will run slow with around 40 colonist and then another 37 fishpeople attacking at one time. Good times though (thumbs up)
    Cogmachine likes this.
  19. Bamwich

    Bamwich Member

    Just to make sure - you ARE making sure that CE is running off your GPU and not any integrated graphics cards, right?
  20. CuteBeaver

    CuteBeaver Member

    First impressions from about one day of playing. I loved the artwork , very cute and adorable designs overall. Music was nice, I could see myself getting into this game in future... Its great at bringing your stress levels down after a bad day. Nothing can make you happier then seeing a red coat beat a fishman down with turkey.

    That being said after about 12 failed saves and several unsuccessful loads I decided to give up and play it like a rogue-like and just see how far I could go. Which is to say - not that far because of the crashing. I am sure the development team is aware of the issues with renovating, and issues where tasks being assigned somehow don't ever get completed. Over time enough of these tasks clog up the jobs screen. Seriously allow us to cancel an action or remove the task from the jobs list manually. In some cases I could feel my impending doom looming closer and closer with more and more "gather" icons cluttering up the map.

    I like the direction this game appears to be headed. Its always the little things though. So many bugs, and crashes but hey this is early access. $30.00 no complaints. When I can figure out how to print the console logs I will surely contribute any wacky finds I encounter.. I am sure there is a post somewhere explaining how to locate / what files to submit.