Windows Vista/7 64-bit Dredmor CTD at random

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by valzi, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. valzi

    valzi Member

    Hi! My Dredmor seems to crash to the desktop completely at random.

    Here is the information that seems relevant:
    1. I'm running the game within Steam.
    2. The problem exists with -opengl switched on or off. It has no effect.
    3. I have no mods activated, though several are installed.
    4. I'm running the game in a window while playing a video on the other side of my screen.
    5. I have the Steam Overlay turned off.
    6. I have RotDG, and YHTNTEP, but I don't have the third expansion.
    Any ideas about what I should do to stop the crashing?

    EDIT: further details:

    It's happened about 6 times so far (I haven't been able to complete run-through of the dungeon), and I haven't been able to determine a specific cause, so it seems random. Sometimes it happens in 5 minutes, sometimes over half an hour. It always surprises me when it happens, so maybe I'm missing the cause, but it seems as if I am just walking, not activating an item or using stairs or anything like that.

    The first solution I've tried is using the beta. It crashed when kicking in a door on Level 4. As soon as the game crashed, a Steam Update News window popped up.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    How random exactly? and have you given the new beta patch a try? You can find it in the sticky thread in this subforum.
  3. valzi

    valzi Member

    It's happened about 6 times so far (I haven't been able to complete run-through of the dungeon), and I haven't been able to determine a specific cause, so it seems random. Sometimes it happens in 5 minutes, sometimes over half an hour. It always surprises me when it happens, so maybe I'm missing the cause, but it seems as if I am just walking, not activating an item or using stairs or anything like that.

    I'll try the beta. I haven't tried it yet.
  4. valzi

    valzi Member

    Tried the beta. It crashed when kicking in a door on Level 4. As soon as the game crashed, a Steam Update News window popped up.
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Interesting. You're not the first to report a door crash in the beta so we're looking into it, but can you keep using it and see if you keep crashing otherwise?
  6. valzi

    valzi Member

    Yes, I'm doing that right now, as a matter of fact! So far, my automatic save games haven't been too far from where the game crashed, so it's withstandable. I'll let you know about each crash in this thread.
  7. valzi

    valzi Member

    Crashed when going downstairs on level 1, after about an hour of play (I had returned to level 1 to sell items at the shop.)
  8. valzi

    valzi Member

    Crashed again when breaking down a door on level 5. Loaded and within seconds it crashed when going downstairs from level 2 to level 3.
  9. valzi

    valzi Member

    Crashed again on level 4 when breaking down a door.

    Edit: And another door on level 4.
    Crashed on level 4 when stepping on a regular portal.
    And another door on level 4.

    Pattern I'm seeing: the longer a game is played, the less stable all game transitions become. The game crashes about once every 5-10 minutes (still loading my automatic savegame each time), always when opening a door, using stairs, or using a portal.
  10. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Okay, we already have a save for the door issue, but if you can get a save that reproducibly crashes on the other two, please upload it.
    In the meantime we'll look into it, hopefully no crashes in the final version.
  11. valzi

    valzi Member

    I can't get one to reproduce yet. I'll upload if I can get to that point.

    I just played for 2 hours after my last crash, on the same game without crashing or dying. I no longer believe in the pattern I thought I saw.
  12. valzi

    valzi Member

    Crashed while walking from one empty tile to another empty tile one the first floor.
  13. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Can you check if any of those crashes generated a .dmp file? It will be in the game folder (steamapps/common/dungeons of dredmor/) and with the timestamp appropriate.
    Please upload if you get any.
  14. valzi

    valzi Member

    They did, but I just deleted every Dredmor file I have to address the Conquest of the Wizardlands problem, so I only have two left. Here are my two most recent dumps: Dumps/2012-10-07_12-38-39.dmp Dumps/2012-10-07_12-38-48.dmp

    Also, here is a quote from my other thread which might relate to the problem:
  15. valzi

    valzi Member

    Installed expansion pack 3 (meaning I now have all game content) and have made it to level 6 with no further crashes. I'll keep playing and let you know if anything else bad happens.

    Sorry if this may prevent you from gathering info about what the problem is. It's nice for me though! Loving the extra stuff from the DLC.

    Edit: Finally crashed, but it generated no dump. It did, however, empty out my inventory from my autosave. Strangely, I still have all of my equipped items.
  16. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    As I'm not sure whether or not installing the expansion replaces many files, can you reapply the beta and keep playing with it? I *think* the strange autosave bug was supposed to be fixed with it.
  17. valzi

    valzi Member

    Yes, I just realized that the beta, as I had installed it, left out the updates for the expansion. I reapplied the full beta now. Will let you know if more crashes occur! Thanks.