Dredmor 1.1.3 Beta Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Nicholas, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. borsook

    borsook Member

    Yes, I tried it, and it does not help. Switching back to version solves the problem.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Rev3 wasn't built with Steam, so I'm not surprised it's sporking out. I can put up a steam build with beta 3 if you'd like, although I have a few changes to make to get us to beta4...
    Exile, OmniaNigrum and Wootah like this.
  3. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Is it possible to request that the version number at the bottom of the start screen say what Rev Number as well? Or is that asking too much /Big Smiley!
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  4. borsook

    borsook Member

    But it CTDs even when steam is closed... I will try HiB build and see
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  5. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    That is weird borsook. Mine crashes when I try to open with steam, but opening it from the DoD directory gives me no problem.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    OmniaNigrum and SkyMuffin like this.
  7. borsook

    borsook Member

    And now it works!

    On an unrelated note - are there any chances of being able to have a way to skip a turn using a mouse? E.g. clicking on character portrait?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  8. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Sure, I can do that. But might I ask why?
    Exile and OmniaNigrum like this.
  9. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Thanks Daynab!
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  10. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  11. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Because sometimes you have one hand wrapped around a baby that's asleep in your lap and there's a thermos full of cream-of-everything soup between your mouse and your keyboard, and it's just really awkward to reach all the way around?

    I know I've been there.
    Kazeto, borsook, mining and 3 others like this.
  12. borsook

    borsook Member

    Because I for one play sometimes with the mouse away from the keyboard, skipping turn is the only thing I can't do via mouse and have to reach for the keyboard. Plus it just seems a strange design, there is now one thing you have to do with a keyboard (skip turn) and one with a mouse (skill bars) so you have to use both, not just one...
    Arron Syaoran, Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  13. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Some people have crappy keyboards, or keyboards in unergonomic locations (and others may have crappy mice), so it would be very nice to get closer to mouse-only functionality (working simultaneously toward increased keyboard functionality would be nice too, despite the fact that keyboard-only functionality seems unlikely the way the game is designed). Its also more convenient/nice to only have to use one hand.

    It would also be nice to be able to be able to be able to use the mouse to attack and open doors while holding an object; that way I don't have to completely drop my lockpicks when opening doors in the wizardlands (to avoid wasting them on XP-less doors) and so I don't accidentally pointlessly skip a bunch of turns when the square next to an enemy has an item that I didn't initially realize was there and only notice I've picked up when my attacks don't do anything (this brings me to another thing that it would be nice to be able to do with the mouse: Enter a square with an item on it without picking the item up)

    You also can't pick things up, craft items, or manage your inventory with the keyboard (unless I'm missing something; many of the game's the controls are sketchily documented at best {which brings me to another point, namely that it would be cool to have a few additional tutorials})
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  14. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Umm, this can be done. Just press the ESC key and click the Configure Autoloot button to set your options for auto pickup of loot. In my copy of the game, Steam, it came auto configured as off for everything.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  15. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    No, I mean without picking it up into your hand, not not picking it up into your inventory. Autoloot on or off if I click on a square with an item on it I pick up that item instead of moving to that square (or move to the square and pick up the item if switch click mode is checked)
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  16. Kreny

    Kreny Member

    hey, maybe it was suggested and declined but could we have possibility to disallow using lockpicks on opening doors? putting them on the ground each time I want to open door sucks a bit :)
    maybe some key or option in menu. Thanks, You rock guys!
    OmniaNigrum and Bohandas like this.
  17. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Another deficiency of the keyboard is that there is no dedicated key to open the menu. If you press Esc or M while your inventory or character sheet is opened it will close them instead of opening the menu. I don't want to close my inventory; I want to open the menu - therefore I have to use the mouse

    To give a better example, say that there are three monsters infront of me, like this (open spoiler for long-winded example):

    Three monsters infront of me, like this:
    I kill the first one, it drops some gold, and they both advance, like this
    I kill the one directly in front of me, and it drops a katana and some gold. the other one is a spellcaster and does not advance
    I click on the square and instead of moving to that square it picks up the katana to my cursor (or into my inventory if "switch click mode" is checked) and I do not advance to that square
    Now the katana is picked up, but the gold is still there, so I click it; it picks up the gold instead of advancing me
    But what's this, the two piles of gold have magically remained totally separate, so I have to waste another turn clicking on the second pile of gold to pick it up
    The way is now clear and I can advance
    What I want is a key I can press (like Alt+ clicking) and/or a GUI element I can toggle with the cursor (or better yet, both) that will move me directly onto the square without picking up the katana and pick up both piles of gold at once as if I had moved there using the arrow keys.

    This brings me to another point, clicking on a square with gold in it should simply move you to that square and pick up all gold on it as if you had moved there with the arrow keys, as you can't pick up gold to the cursor or your inventory anyway

    (BTW, Speaking of autoloot and GUI toggles, it would be nice if there was a GUI button to turn autoloot on and off without accessing the menu, that way it would be easier to turn it off in the pocket dimension.)
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  18. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Also you can't go to the pocket dimension with the keyboard and you can't drop things directly into your own square using only the mouse
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  19. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Maybe clicking with the mouse wheel should be 'go into the square regardless of stuff to pick up'?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  20. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Is this a bug?

    There is a trap (gargoyle bolt) with some zorkmids on top of it. It is unreachable across water.
    I am trying to use confiscate evidence (paranormal law) to get the Zorkmids. It won't work. It uses the mana but nothing happens.

    Testing it a bit. It looks like you can't use the ability on any item that is on any trap.
    Arron Syaoran and OmniaNigrum like this.