Crossbow Dual-Wielding

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by FaxCelestis, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    You can dual-wield all other weapons except crossbows. I'd like to see, if you have both the Archery and Dual-Wielding skills, a second crossbow inventory slot open so you can shoot diggles, crossbows akimbo.
  2. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Wouldn't that take 4 hands?
  3. Blue

    Blue Member

    You see, masters of the dual-wielding crossbow art learn to reload with their teeth! Yes, they are that good.
    That said, wouldn't it make crossbows overpowered? I mean, at least doubly so, right (I am not good at math :( )?
    Godwin likes this.
  4. Zephyria

    Zephyria Member

    Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree with this suggestion. Crossbows are powerful enough as it is. Dual Wielding doesn't necessarily need to apply to every weapon skill.
  5. Darksoul71

    Darksoul71 Member

    I would like to second "akimbo" crossbows. Reloading double crossbows could simply take double round time.

    See the demon hunter in Diablo 3 for double crossbows:

    Double crossbows could allow to aim at two target at "the same time" (# of rounds in brackets)
    1) Aim 1st target (1)
    2) Aim 2nd target (1)
    3) Double crossbow shot (1)
    4) Reload phase (2)

    This way you get the benefit of hitting two enemies at the same time by getting some penalty that your enemies have two rounds to attack you during reload. When you are away far enough from enemies this gives you the chance to kill two of them. When closer to your enemies, you are more likely to be attacked two times during the reload phase. For me this fits nicely in the common DnD game mechanics or am I missing something. Also beside requiring a second crossbow slot I do not see any issues. If anyone is afraid that akimbo crossbows overpower the character, there still is the option to add a smaller crossbow class type ("pistol crossbows") and limit akimbo to this.

    Another thing which I would like to see (similar to crafting other special crossbows) is an option to update your crossbow to multiple shots. Think of this like the Chinese repeating crossbows or the wrist crossbow in Berzerk. For the repeating crossbow similar game mechanics could be applied by simply multiplying the reload phase by the number of arrows shot.

    For me DoD lives a lot from the crazy amount of stuff you can gather and upgrade to. The more options I have to kill my foes, the better :)

    And not come up with something like "missing realism for shooting crossbows in akimbo style because of reloading".

    We are talking about a game where you can wear a traffic cone as helmet *ggg*
  6. Blue

    Blue Member

    @Darksoul71 my problem with your suggestion is that it pushes DoD far into power-fantasy realm and away from hard as hell roguelike, I think this could work as a mod, but in the core game? No love from me, I'm afraid.
  7. Darksoul71

    Darksoul71 Member

    @Blue I understand your concerns. Since dual handling of crossbows would rely on a second weapon/crossbow slot I am not shure if it would be implementable as a mod. As for the game itself I guess it would not hurt. DoD shares similar game mechanics as Diablo. Diablo 2 for examples allows you to play in different approaches:
    Either play at an easier level and enhance your character or play in nightmare mode where you can die easier. So I see no issues with this.
    DoD can be an easy action RPG or the hard as hell rogelike. Depending on what you like.
  8. There are 1-handed wrist crossbows that are reloaded with the other hand. Both hands reload the crossbow in the other wrist at the same time.
  9. Darksoul71

    Darksoul71 Member

    Yes there are..people even built those "for real". But in the end it really doesn't matter if someone else likes akimbo crossbows or not. This is a forum for suggestions and even if someone requests akimbo gatling guns firing minature nuclear warheads, this is a fair suggestion although a bit overpowered :)

    In the end there would be enough options to provide akimbo crossbows and still keep the game balance.