Can't get power to work

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Mushie, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Mushie

    Mushie Member

    I can't get a power I am working on for encrustment to work
    I have this in itemDB
    <power name="Holy" description="is infused with holy energies." spell="Holy Weapon" />

    This in spellDB
    <spell name="Holy Weapon" type="target" icon="skills/spell_white9_32.png" >
    <effect type="damage" righteous="4" resistable="0" />
    <effect type="trigger" spell="Holy Infusion" percent="11"/>
    <description text="A smaller, gentler lightning strike. Indoor use only."/>
    <spell name="Holy Infusion" type="self">
    <buff useTimer="1" time="12"
    bad="0" >
    <damagebuff righteous="2"/>
    <resistbuff righteous="2"/>
    <primarybuff id="0" amount="1"/>
    <primarybuff id="1" amount="1"/>
    <primarybuff id="2" amount="1"/>
    <primarybuff id="3" amount="1"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="1"/>
    <primarybuff id="5" amount="1"/>
    <secondarybuff id="0" amount="5"/>
    <description text="You are infused with holy energies." />

    And this in encrustDB
    <encrust name="Holy Infusion">
    <description text="From Morlodon the Sun Weevil, to Hotak the Divine Plumber, this complicated frieze of ideological images covers pretty much all your bases in the God department." />
    <tool tag="lathe" />
    <slot type="weapon" />
    <slot type="ranged" />

    <input name="Hefty Stick" />

    <skill level="0" />

    <power name="Holy" chance="0.20"/>

    <encrustwith name="hideous, brightly coloured plastics" />

    <instability amount="3" />
    I manage to encrust weapons & crossbows, but they won't load the power ("Holy")
    Anyone able to see what is wrong here?