Can't find the new skill trees...

Discussion in 'Realm of the Diggle Gods' started by traeki, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. traeki

    traeki Member

    I bought the DLC, updated to the new version, and fired up DoD.

    I have a new style of skill selection interface, with a separate bar on the bottom for selected skills. And I can choose the new female character after the skills page.

    But there are no new skill trees to choose from!

    What am I missing, here? Does the DLC still not work correctly on OS X or something?

  2. CookiezEater

    CookiezEater Member

    Did you bought the dlc? Did you restarted your steam? And dont forget to enable dlc when you start new game
    You should maybe check files in steam
  3. NefariousKoel

    NefariousKoel Member

    Yeah, restart Steam. If it doesn't update at that time, go to the game's Properties screen and tell it to Check File Integrity.
  4. traeki

    traeki Member

    Restarting Steam seems to have done the trick, thanks.
