BETA 51A BETA 51A Hotfix Now Live!

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Daniel, May 22, 2016.

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  1. Cyjack

    Cyjack Member


    "Lord Palmerstroke's Choice" starting loadout claims to come with the materials you need to build a lab, but doesn't include the lacquered planks necessary.
  2. Braincooler

    Braincooler Member

    Here is an optimisation that should be done : when a worker collect materials to build something, he should go to the closest object on the ground. For the moment, he walks far to get something that he has next to him (stone, wood ...).
  3. Cyjack

    Cyjack Member

    Chapel in my second 51A game appears to be working correctly. The only difference i can think of, is that in my first game, the minster I assigned there was assigned to another shop previously.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Logged as OC-4890, will look into it! (Thought I added a fallback check here, but perhaps did not.)
  5. Cyjack

    Cyjack Member


    The attached save game comes with a grab bag of issues:

    1) Shortly after loading, the Prickly Pear farm is due for harvest. It reads "Growing Stage: 5/5, Harvest labor 110/120". When it counts down to 120 nothing is harvested, and it resets to Growing Stage 4/5. It's been like this nearly since I made it.

    2) Traders from one faction have been stuck at the trade depot for half the game, with another faction also stuck in the area that cant get into the depot to trade. The faction stuck at the depot can sometimes load more goods into it, but there are 4 "phantom goods" stuck there that never leave and cannot be purchased. [Edit] Demolishing and rebuilding depot does not fix the problem.

    3)The "Bottle of Pulque" stack has no icon in the stockpile or commodities list.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  6. Braincooler

    Braincooler Member

    I think that the "Make Bricabrac from glass" in the Ceramics Workshop doesn't work properly. It only produces one Bricabrac in place of two.
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