Anybody want some brick fences?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Brandon Fridge, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. I wanted fences. Badly. After poking around inside the game, it was obvious that the devs had done some work towards this already- but it wasn't a priority to finish.

    1) Copy the attached file fence.go.txt to the scripts\gameobjects folder and rename it fence.go
    2) Copy the attached file "commands.xml" to the game folder.Alternately, edit it such that the fence command isn't commented out.
    3) I figured this would give too few bricks, so I also uncommented workshops.edb line 38.

    Pretty much everything is already there, I just had to fudge around a few parameters in the fence.go file. I haven't broken anything on purpose, but I'm just poking things here, so if things go south for you, you may have to uninstall and reinstall to get the correct update. If that sounds like too big a risk, please don't attempt this.

    Attached Files:

  2. Samut

    Samut Member

    Nice. How much tinkering did you have to do?
  3. As far as lines of code/ characters changed, not much. 10-20 lines, maybe?
    It was an excessive number of loads though. Launch game, note error. edit in notepad, relaunch game... Not my finest debugging job ever.
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (Ah, someone found my fences!)
  5. Can I have a gate, please please?
    Euel Ball likes this.
  6. Euel Ball

    Euel Ball Member

    Ditto! We -need- something like this to keep Johnny Fish-man and Billy Bandit out of our affairs!
  7. ahappydudd

    ahappydudd Member

    If we made an simple model for it, does ce support us importing that said model? And with open and close animation
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
    Brandon Fridge likes this.
  8. ahappydudd

    ahappydudd Member

    DId you have any luck with the other fences? They seem to be either hardcoded or missing things and therefore wont spwn(just a guess haha) i tried having them as dynamics, as structal. Very nice work!
  9. Maybe? I got as far as trying to use the loading bay door's model- but the fishmen kept coming through. I really need to understand the occupancy map.
    ahappydudd likes this.
  10. I haven't spent a lot of time on them, but I did not have any luck with what little time I did have.
    ahappydudd likes this.
  11. Samut

    Samut Member

    The model files for CE have a .upm extension; the animation files have a .upa extension. I can't open them in Carrara Pro and I wasn't able to find anything online about those file extensions that seemed at all related. Just guessing here, but since CE uses its own proprietary engine, possibly Gaslamp has their own modeling format.

    That would be sweet if we could import our own models, though.
    ahappydudd likes this.
  12. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    You should be able to put anything into the engine that supports OpenCollada .DAE as an export target, albeit be prepared to suffer a
    mound of ****py converters and inconveniences. I'm amazed Mr. Triolo will even speak to me.

    That said, it's not something we are set up to handle right now, but we will see what the future holds.
  13. Samut

    Samut Member

    [Starts looking up what OpenCollada is.]

    EDIT: Okay, that's pretty straightforward, conceptually. Exporting a model out of Daz Studio was easy too. Cool.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
    ahappydudd likes this.
  14. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Quite a long time ago, I whipped up a model in Maya for export into Collada, which was apparently the format a buddy of mine needed so he could fool around with a 3D object in Flash.

    i.e. Collada is a 3D model format. As I dimly recall, you'll need the usual wireframes and textures packed correctly in order to see anything.
  15. ahappydudd

    ahappydudd Member

    Ohh, sweetpeas, i need to read up on that! Iv done some modeling but mostly mod things to kerbalspaceprogram. Ce is my new fav so i have began fiddling around haha. Thanks for all the info!
  16. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    For anybody poking the fences, their rendering is just completely broken in game right now (Also, they don't actually leave a physical presence in the world; also, they're misaligned with our current rendering standards.) I'm working on it this week and I hope to have fences and roads back in for 36B later this week.
    ahappydudd likes this.
  17. I don't suppose you guys have considered a nightly branch in addition to the experimental and stable ones?
  18. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Do you know what state our nightlies are in? Useless piles of decaying flesh, heaps of bone, the tattered rags of clothing stitched to a frame that was once a man. Here and there, a rat chews on a femur. This, this is Paris, but not the Paris you Americans all dream o...

    Er, where was I? No nightlies! Never! No!
    ahappydudd and KillerKidClever like this.
  19. What luxury! Why we used to DREAM of a femur for our rats to chew on. Why, all we had to give them was the praise of the QA staff.
  20. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Pah, luxury.