Another of those 'copywrite people are going too far' thingies.

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Essence, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    There's no question in my mind that IF he was doing something illegal (which has not been proven), then the site should be taken down. Apparently, the Brits have been unable to prove that he has broken their laws, so for now, he's innocent. The problem is that the U.S. thinks that he has broken OUR laws and wants to extradite him and put him on trial here, even though the server his website operates on is not on U.S. soil. That's a completely different issue.

    Let's take a hypothetical. In the fictional country of Naromenialand, it turns out that their idea of copyright infringement is completely different than ours, and they see Dredmor as infringing on a game that one of their citizens created centuries ago using shells and wooden sticks. called "Diggles and Ladders". They contact the U.S. government in order to extradite the GLG team to Naromenialand for breaking Naromenialand's copyright laws, that happen to extend in perpetuity.

    The GLG team has not broken U.S. copyright laws, but they MAY have broken the laws of the fictional nation of Naromenialand. Do you think that we ought to allow a U.S. citizen to be extradited to another country for violating another nation's copyright laws? Or should that be reserved for more serious crimes?

    The kid was found innocent in british court. Had he been found guilty, it might be a different story. Then again, the people in the U.S. might not be so upset in that case.
    OmniNegro and Kazeto like this.
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    GLG is based in Canada, yet at least one member of the team is an American citizen. (Yes, I said that just to stop people saying your example makes no sense. Sue me.)

    You have given an example of what I said earlier, Haldurson. If we are expected to be held accountable for the laws of the whole world, the laws of the world must become unified and clear. Here in America, charging him twice for the same infraction would be double jeopardy. They are now pretending it is not DJ to charge him a second time in a different nation. That is total bullshit. That is the same as Americans tried and found not guilty being sent against their will to an enemy nation where they will be treated as less than Humans. I could name a few, but we as a nation do not do this.

    What this whole thing boils down to is the clear and obvious fact that England has fucking idiotic laws that allow clear criminal actions to be unpunlishable. And rather than clean up their own fucked laws, they want their friends in America to punish those their laws do not cover. Sorry England. Fix you fucked laws and you do not need to throw your problems at us.