Android Rogue Marinated Cat Removal

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Arron Syaoran, Jun 17, 2014.


Which is more inhumane? Eating A Raw Marinated Cat or Barbecuing and Eating A Marinated Cat?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2014.
  1. Eating it Raw

  2. Barbecuing it First, then Eating it

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  1. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    For the sake of my Mod, I always wanted to know which was worse(more inhumane):
    * Eating A Marinated Cat raw, or,
    * Barbecuing(Burning) A Marinated Cat and eating it after it's been barbecued.

    Edit: The reason I wish to know is whether to use a Strong Debuff or a Weak Buff/Debuff on whichever Food Item. If you hate Animal Cruelty and are playing this mod, Sell these cats to Brax and he will find them a new home. Just don't eat the Cats. That's just wrong.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    What do animal cruelty jokes have to do with modding? (or our forums)
  3. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    My Android Rogue Mod adds 2 Items(along with other stuff), "A Marinated Cat" and "Barbecued Cat". I was wondering since I was playing with 2 Buffs: "Feline Cruelty", which debuffs you greatly, and "You're A Tiger", which is a Tiger Curse that gives slight buffs, but nerfs righteousness resist.

    If you feel "extremely" offended by these items, I will be happy to remove the items. Just so you know, Swashbucklers adds throwable Frogs and Parrots. And you don't have to eat the Cats if you don't want to.(I recommend selling them to Brax so he can find them a new home)
  4. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    Both are quite inhumane, but why would you add /real/ animal cruelty when there's Vegan debuffs for killing /fake/ animals?

    I feel like cats are a no-go zone for animal cruelty humor (is that a thing nowadays), just because they're pets. If you'd add fierce tigers or a pack of wolves and one could ate their gibs that'd be awesome.

    Throwable frogs and parrots can't be very harsh on the average person, because there just aren't that many people that own one, and they aren't as affectionate as cats. Every time I kill an ASCII character representing a cat (C) in Cataclysm DDA I feel bad, even though it's a flipping ASCII character. I feel like there's people that have the same with dogs in videogames. I'd also say frogs and parrots could probably survive a throw (frogs can jump and parrots can fly), but a cat can't survive a bite (seriously).

    As you can see people are quite biased towards animal cruelty.
  5. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    Tis kinda lame(the bias that is), and I see your point. I will remove the Marinated and Barbecued Cat from my mod. Poll is now closed.

    Edit: I absolutely hate how People can Favour Domestic Animals over Wild ones. Domestic Animals could never survive that well if left without a Human.

    Reddit: As you can see, I'm not a Pet Person. If I wanted a Pet, I'd have a Pet Robot. I'd much rather have a pet that cleans for me than a Pet that soils your furniture and floor.

    Please Lock(and hopefully delete) this topic. All That is learned is that Animal Cruelty should no longer exist in my mod.
  6. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    That makes me think of this comic:
  7. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    It's all about empathy. It's a mammalian adaptation. In a purely darwinian sense, it's why parents take care of their children and their family members, because we are adapted to form empathic bonds. But those bonds can also form with non-humans if they are part of the family. And by association, we can feel empathy for non-family members that are similar enough.

    With Empathy, you can feel someone elses pain -- if a pet suffers, we suffer. If a child suffers, we suffer. The bonds with non-pets are weaker, but can still be there. It may not be OUR dog (or baby) that is suffering,, but it still inspires the same feelings.

    We don't all feel empathy in the same way or to the same extent, or with the same creatures or people. There has to be some kind of link, we have to see our loved ones, whether they are people or pets, or ourselves in the target of that empathy first. That's why people want to see movies or read books about those like themselves or those they already feel empathy for. Empathy is probably at the root of an incredible amount of human behavior.
    Arron Syaoran likes this.
  8. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Am I the only one who thinks that having a marinated and barbequed cat as items is funny?

    Honestly I'd pick the raw one because eating a raw barbequed cat is pretty inhumane to the party eating it. Presumably, the cat is already quite dead.
    Arron Syaoran likes this.
  9. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    I've always had a lack of empathy for Non-Human, Non-Sentient, Non-Alien Animals, ever since I discovered what the whole Furry Fandom was about. Some of the stuff they have would make any normal human cringe.

    Sometimes I wish I could care more for Animals and Pets, but I just can't find the bond. Only Because I would love to be Wiccan and Wiccans love both sides of Nature: Plants/Fungi and Animals. I only seem to be capable of feeling the love for Plants/Fungi atm.
  10. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    I don't get it, how can we, a cultural subset (all furries are also "normal humans") be more cringeworthy than the overall superset they belong to (greater openness?), and what does the furry fandom have to do with non-human, non-sentient, non-alien animals?

    If you want to appreciate animals, look at the adaptive radiation of the arthropods. A simple body plan which has seen such a lot of variation and filled so many different niches. Plants and fungi only really have parasitism available outside of their specific niches. Animals have adapted to all kinds of different niches and have created many of their own. After all consider that animals can move around with their own power, and quickly too! That opens up an amazing lot of things for them that can't be done by plants, fungi, and single-celled organisms. Animals have highly organized bodies that look like machines designed by engineers, much more so than any other multicellular life.

    Admittedly I am fascinated by fungi too. Plants I still need to learn more about..
  11. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Ok, but I don't think what you are talking about is empathy, as much as intellectual appreciation. Intellectually, I can appreciate a lobster, but I still think it goes good with butter, garlic and lemon juice.

    Which reminds me of an old comedy routine about the comic who felt empathy for the lobsters he had purchased, so instead of cooking them, he let them go free... in the woods.
  12. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Oh well I don't really understand people's cognitive problem with that. I can like a chicken, and maybe that will help keep it alive for a while longer if I am particularly fond of it, but at the end of the day I'm a big predatory animal that raises things with love and care to later eat them, knowing full well that these things can suffer and don't want to die. Perhaps unpalatable (well, at least unpalatable in the metaphorical sense, if it wasn't literally people wouldn't bother) but that's how the world works. Although I guess to get back on the original topic of how funny it is to have a barbequed cat as a food item, the player doesn't have to actually eat it.
  13. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Not every creature is as easy to build empathy with. I think I'd have a hard time with a chicken as well. Same with fish, (used to go fishing with my dad years ago).

    I've always been a dog person, so I can only talk about this with respect to dogs. The thing about dogs is that they show affection. If you've ever owned one, they can be like having a baby in the family, because that's what they are kind of like. I mostly know dogs, so I know that every dog I've owned or my family members have owned, gets anxious when you leave them alone, they always want to sleep on your lap or next to you, they want to lick your hand or face, they want to play, chase balls, if you are leaving the house, they want to come with you, and they are totally dependent on you for just about everything. Having a dog is very much like having a child, only a child that will never be able to go to school or fix their own lunch or clean up afer themselves or even understand anything you say except for the absolute simplest commands or concepts. When you have a dog which is almost exactly like another family member, it does build empathy.
  14. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    I have a hard time feeling empathy for creatures that don't know how proper hygiene or how to always take a dump in a toilet designated by a human. My dad got chickens recently and they seem to shit everywhere they go, carelessly.
    I also don't like Animals who have no sense of independence compared to their "Pack" or "Hive" or "Clan", such as Alpha Males in Gorillas/Wolves, Pecking order in Chickens, or Hive mentality on Ants/Bees. I know that numbers increases survival, but there's no freedom in authority exchange(without deadly violence), unlike Humans, who can choose to not follow anyone in particular and live on one's own, and negotiate peacefully(sometimes, is better than never) in regards toward authority exchange.

    In the end, all beings are severely flawed. I like Humans because they know how to take advantage of their own flaws for the greater good.(And because they know how to sanitize) That, and it's more natural to relate to someone of your own species, especially when it comes to sexuality.

    And I also seem to have a hard time feeling empathy for any Animals deemed as "Food". Possibly the same for plants that are deemed as "Food". My favourite Plants are Trees.

    It would be extremely wonderful to have another race capable of civilization and high cognitive reasoning, possibly Elves or Dwarves, or even Hostile Orcs or Aliens. To potentially make peace with them would be even greater.

    Edit: The longer this discussion goes on, the more I suffer. (Prays for a Topic Lock) I've had incidents like these before, where I mention something I regret mentioning, and elaboration is forced upon the topic. Last incident involved me being offended by RR's Fairy Shoes Recipe. Another incident involved Rule 63 Spongebob. A third involved NSFW and Bronies.

    Reddit: At least I learned not to put edible Pets in my mod. They will be removed starting with 0.1.5.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
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