An Apology

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Fruit, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Fruit

    Fruit Member


    Long ago, Clockwork Empires was announced. Whilst I was certainly excited to hear and read about the new Gaslampian game, I quickly forgot about it as my life went on and my attention went elsewhere for the time being. But, closing in on 2014 I once again found my anticipation for Clockwork Empires. I quickly realised what I had done, I had forgotten to tell everyone about a game they've never heard of that I'm excited for.

    In hindsight, I realise that I did it in a less than reasonable fashion. In this thread I'll apologise to all those that I might have scared, traumatized and in some cases even physically hurt in my excitement.

    First off, to my good friend John; I'm sorry for calling you in the middle of the night, multiple times, to come over to my flat, only to find me passed out in only my underwear, clutching in my hand a piece of paper featuring some sort of yellow moleman.

    Truly a masterpiece, only rivaled by Da Great Da Vinci.

    I also apologise for waking up eight hours later, rushing to your workplace, still in my underwear, and grabbing your boss by the shoulders shouting "THERE WILL BE DODO BIRDS! DOOOO DOOO BIRDS!" whilst shaking him in a violent fashion until a concerned co-worker of yours had called the police and had them restrain me.

    Incidentally, the Boss and Dodo have a lot in common.

    ...I'm also sorry about wearing my underwear on my head, not covering my netherregions.

    Either way, I still believe that this could have been completely avoided if you had only shone an UV Light at the paper I had masterfully doodled a "moleman". You would have quickly found what would appear to be a white puddle, in reality it was a complex riddle in which you would have had to analyse the paper to find out that I had been frothing after hours of eccentric doodling and drinking earl gray. Clearly I wasn't in my right mind.

    All in all, John, I think you are the one whom owes me an apology.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
    Daynab and Haldurson like this.
  2. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    Do you know a certain Chris Buchholz?