Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Mar 4, 2016.

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  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member


    Alpha 48B Major Changes:

    • Massive UI overhaul
    • New farming system
    • Major ore/metalworking rebalance
    • Added Lacquer & Lacquered Planks as high quality wood material
    NOTE: flax plants, cloth industry, and the entire tropics have been temporarily removed. Do not be alarmed! Everything will be tip-top.

    Full changelog:

    overhauled farming system
    added Lacquered Planks (made in the chemistry workshop and now required for some high end buildings/modules. You can get lacquer from beetles, trade, and (temporarily) lacquer trees, which will eventually be moved to another biome.)
    added more "?" box help windows for various buildings
    added Foreign Relations Correction event
    added ability to attempt to intimidate bandits w/ trained military
    revised the farming system, first iteration
    cleaned up some building UI styles
    added unique religious doctrine icons
    added skill level and tech modifier display to all workshops' UI
    added military science category plus 3 military techs
    colonists will now flee from fire
    increased delay before colonist waiting for service alerts trigger again
    all remaining instances of losing/gaining "Prestige" have been converted to faction standing
    Pub no longer requires brewing devices to build (As you can acquired alcohol via trade now)
    added a bunch of new foreign office options (3 per non-empire nation)
    colonists will wait slightly longer before eating food not suited to their social class (the gross food consumed over time is the same)
    added fixed-size zones (several crop tech unlocks temporarily deactivated)
    tooltips now flip position near screen edges
    moved version number slightly to not cover new UI arrangement
    overhauled basically the entire main UI, the work crew UI, and the factions UI
    reworked character shift work tests to be less error prone and cut its code footprint significantly
    learned some things about finite number sets
    hooked up farms to the new UI system like some kind of cyborg. a plant cyborg.
    added more tutorial definitions
    re-added jobs button (which was removed earlier in this build) because it still has unique and valuable functionality. needs to be reconsidered at some point.
    changed +/- in work crew UI to up/down chevrons
    repositioned and fixed tooltips for main menu alerts

    balance: rebalanced cost types of a number of buildings.
    balance: partial mining/ore rework (Surface nodes yield less ore and are less common. Removed Stone Charcoal Kiln and added iron requirement to Brick Charcoal Kiln. Mining will now always yield at least some coal. More ores are necessary to make metal bars. More bars necessary to make plates/pipes. Regular stone will occasionally produce ore. More ore added to traders. Added "ore trader mission" to stahlmark foreign office events. Rebalanced costs of all metal-costing modules.)
    balance: Quality Food and Premium Food now produce food at a 1:1 ingredients/output ratio.
    balance: did first revision pass on happiness from ALL memories
    balance: ALL Obeliskians will start dormant

    FIXED: colonists would become stuck in graves forever while trying to bury the dead
    FIXED: Pubs can now handle multiple booze vats
    FIXED: various typos
    FIXED: scripterror in Laboratory (if points were maxed)
    FIXED: burning objects could leave invisible hot spots that ignited stuff forever
    FIXED: Obeliskians would sometimes attack dead humans and dead fishpeople
    FIXED: Foreign Invasions will be called off if you manage to switch diplomatic state to non-hostile
    FIXED: fishpeople won't interrupt fleeing people for intimidation
    FIXED: more flickering tooltip issues
    FIXED: we were showing the wrong background size for expanded farms
    FIXED: flickering tooltips
    FIXED: building crash
    FIXED: all boxable modules should have tooltips explaining where they can be built now
    FIXED: boxed pipes were used to build barometers and vice versa.
    FIXED: could make windows out of glass bottles
    FIXED: wall shrines' access point was really far away

    TEST: temp. removed flax and cloth from the game (until they tie into more interesting upcoming things)

    NOTE: start of overworld/biomes work is occurring, which is why the tropics are temporarily unavailable.
    KillerKidClever likes this.
  2. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Yesssss. Give me ALL the feedback!
  3. Kamisma

    Kamisma Member

    Woot trying it now :)
  4. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Woah, was starting to think it wouldn't make it. Crisis averted!
  5. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    there are a few minor things that we almost waited until Monday for, but having a weekend for people to play the new stuff seems to benefit everyone, so we'll get that other stuff in for the next one.
  6. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    I love waking up on a saturday and see this.
  7. wargarurumon

    wargarurumon Member

    flax and cloth are gone? so does that mean beds won't need cloth anymore?
  8. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Huh, flax and cloth removed... huh... well that's interesting.

    If I have to solve set theory questions or number theory questions to play CE though, ehhh

    Presumably this puts an end to my spamming of Ornate Doors on everything. Oh well~
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  9. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Here are my initial impressions of A48B, based on a couple hours of play:

    -collapsible work crews are nice
    -clicking 'show colonists' button repeatedly while paused will crash the game
    -collapsible event log is nice, but placement feels weird, maybe I just need to get used to it
    -come on, ESC really ought to bring up the Options menu
    -collapsible workshop and module menus are nice, also take some getting used to

    -I don't really like fields of predetermined shapes, unfortunately
    -additional info panel for farming is nice, though
    -plants feel a whole lot slower now - e.g. my initial maize crop took, I think, 4 days to mature
    -so, 'harvest labour' represents the total amount of labour required to grow from seed to harvest?
    -I'm sure I'll have more well-developed feedback re: crops when I've played some more

    -spiffy new backgrounds for work crew menu, nice!
    -new colonists are once again unassigned, I approve
    -no more 'days elapsed' counter?

    Beds are currently made with 2 planks. I assume that will change when flax is put back in the game.
  10. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Well I'm guessing, but there's probably the following:
    So yeah...

    Oh cabbage has setup of 10, and perharvest of 60, but output is only 8, so it's less efficient**

    This does kill relatively early farming (you'd be best just waiting until you get immigration once or twice and then stack a farm with 5 people at one go. There's not much gain having small starting farms, the fact you need to "fill up" the full amount to get anything would suggest going all-in at once.

    Eg: starting with only 1 lower-class, you could have 2 people. But it makes more sense perhaps to have them forage, and then once (day 2 or 3?) you get immigration, which should be +2 lower class, you just put all of them into farming.

    **I could go into detail, but to get 16 units of food (which isn't much at all!) you have to pay more labor for cabbage than maize. At your starting 6 people+immigration this means you're really much better off just starting with maize which was the case anyway before so it didn't change much....

    Our favorite: wheat.
    Setup: 50
    Per harvest: 300
    Output: 50

    So looking at long run of 6 actions per output... but wait, more walking (larger) and massive size means those who hates wheat only might have a win here, might recommend maize-only now.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  11. Trifler

    Trifler Member

    My initial impressions:

    - When clicking on the "Crop Fields" button, the information comparing the effective yields of each crop type should be listed, as it was before. Also, perhaps the tooltips for each crop type should include the field size ("7x7" for example).

    - I much preferred the custom field sizes. I thought it was a great feature that helped the game stand out, and it fit in perfectly with the custom layout of the buildings. I would like to either see a return to all custom field sizes, or keep the default field sizes and add a custom field size button that allows smaller fields than the default field size for each crop type with a decreased yield. I can imagine a return to all custom field sizes and just have a suggested field size listed in the tooltip for each crop type.

    - The Kitchen feels like it could use a brick oven that doesn't need metal for repairs and has more uses between repairs than the stone oven. Perhaps make it so the stone oven can't cook bread?
    - I like the module requirements for the difference recipes. However, when the necessary modules aren't available, please still include the recipe name in the tooltip. Currently it does not list the recipe name. So, instead of just saying "Requires Spice Rack and Oven!" it would say "Cook Cabbage Stew" then skip a line, and then say "Requires Spice Rack and Oven!"

    - When placing a foundation for a new building, it would be great if we could click on blue squares to remove them (maybe only if they're along the outer edge so we can't create holes in the middle) in the same way we can currently click to add additional squares.
    - The Cancel button doesn't work in 48A or 48B.

    The Work Crews menu UI is the most noticeable improvement so far.
    - An icon or background color to indicate that a work group is military would be nice. When they're expanded, it's easy to tell from the uniform, but when collapsed there's currently no way to tell.
  12. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    FYI, I think all useable modules will break after exactly 30 uses.
  13. Trifler

    Trifler Member

    Well, that doesn't seem logical... In any case, the rest of that statement still applies.
  14. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Point #1 - You're right! That's part of a layer of UI that is on my list but I haven't gotten to yet. Our escape state handling sucks, but it will get better.

    Point #2 - It will be back, just didn't want to hold up the build for it.
    Trifler likes this.
  15. Trifler

    Trifler Member

    It appears this build allows the placement of modules on top of each other. I had a colonist trapped in a new building for days until I realized I shouldn't have a Sign Hanger on the same square as the door (it actually looked better there than in the next square over). I then tested placing a brewing vat on top of my carpentry workbench and that worked.
  16. Trifler

    Trifler Member

    Oh my... The Demolish Zone button for farm plots isn't working. I can't remove any farm plots for any crop type.
  17. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    It's really useful, you can stack sign hangers on windows. So even small buildings can have pretty good building quality.
  18. Trifler

    Trifler Member

    If that's intended then that's fine, but at the moment it's also allowing module stacking, which blocks the access points and prevents them from being used. I can see the sign hanger stacking on the door being allowed, but if so, then it should not block people from going through the door. I'm sure the Devs do not want people stacking four stoves/wooden vats/whatever on top of one another.
  19. Palindrome

    Palindrome Member

    The requirement for sand (for the chemistry workbench) is a pretty big bottle neck for the production of lacquered wood, as your colonists start demanding for a chapel fairly early I think that this needs looked at in some way (perhaps start with a single bushel of sand or give stone nodes a chance of dropping sand?)

    When bandits become neutral the stuff lying around in their camps aren't forbidden (at least I presume that's where all the bronze cogs and pickled fungus in my stockpile came from....)

    The beetle invasion doesn't seem to work properly. The beetles seem reluctant to actually eat crops and my soldiers seem reluctant to kill them. For my first invasion the beetles just wandered around my colony while my soldiers just watched them, even if I gave a hunt order. This may have been something to do with the growth stage of the crops, nothing was visible when they arrived but when the crops were visible they just ignored them. The second invasion worked closer to intended but there was still some reluctance on the part of my soldiery to kill them.

    Quite a lot of stutter. when my first crop of maize matured I got a slow down (and if the maize was on screen in general there was noticeable but minor lag.

    I also had a couple of instances with a significant stutter (not sure what caused it, possibly crop related) which cuased everthing to go very fast for a couple of seconds after it unfroze.

    Work crews seem to randomly go on strike, one of my overseers was so happy she was spontaneously dancing yet was on strike as can be seen:

    I saved the game (with great alacrity) but there is no save file although there is a replay file after the inevitable crash:

    crashing after around an hours playtime.
    This has been a 'feature' of the last 4-5 builds and it is becoming increasingly irritating.

    Attached Files:

  20. I love the UI update - best thing since Christmas.
    Though, I would prefer farms that were not fixed-sized

    The idea of workshop-specific backgrounds for the carpenters and farmers in the Work Crew drop-down menu works very well. I suggest that it is introduced for all types of workshops.

    Game crashes
    When the carpentry workshop starts assembly of a mineshaft module, after having fetched the 3 planks for the module, the game crashes. This is also reported in the crash thread here.

    If you click on the barbershop, after the construction of the barbershop is completed, the game crashes.

    Other issues
    When you issue a 'chop down' command for a single tree, the 'chop down job icon' does appear somewhere else than on the tree
    It seems (I am not totally sure) that the icon always appears where the initial (at the start of the game) parachute food-drop took place.

    Sometimes people stand or walk at the same spot until they die of hunger.
    (also seen in pre-48B releases)

    In the Work Crews drop-down menu it would be nice to have some sign/colour/whatever indication of the overseer who is military, so that they can be easily found even when collapsed
    (I love the 48B Work Crews drop-down menu)

    The 'workers certificate' can no longer be produced at any workshop

    Mostly, though not always, no 'clear terrain job icon' appears when you issues the following commands:
    - clear green grass command
    - clear leafy green shrub
    - clear pine stump
    - clear aspen stump
    - clear aspen sapling

    No 'mine surface node job icon' appears when you issue one of the following commands:
    - Mine clay nodes
    - Mine rhyolite boulders
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
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