Inventory/Font size/Stationary key

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by stickler, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. stickler

    stickler Member


    I have really bad eyesight and was wondering if there was a way to increase the inventory/stats screen so I could see what I have. I was also wondering if there could be a "stationary" key like in Diablo where you hold down a key and don't move but are still able to fight.

    Using traps to kill monsters makes this difficult without a function like that. Maybe I'm missing something?
  2. transfatex

    transfatex Member

    My vision isn't too bad, but being able to enlarge those would be useful. If I lean back a bit that can make the icons and text tricky to read. Being able to hold something down to not move while attacking would also be nice.
  3. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    You don't move when attacking. The only time I ever move is if I killed something with a counter, and I clicked prematurely.
  4. competentfake

    competentfake Member

    Yeah, I can't see how that would be necessary. Diablo wasn't turn based, and you used the same click to move as you did to attack, so having a way to stay put and swing away was quite handy. In a turn based system, about the best you can do is hit the spacebar to basically skip your turn and move everything forward a step.

    That involuntary step forward on a counter can be very annoying!
  5. stickler

    stickler Member

    I don't think I explained what I mentioned in my first post very well - let me try to correct it.
    I know it's turn based and all of that, what I mean is if they're multiple enemies like a monster zoo and you want to stay in the same spot you gotta be careful or you might kill a guy or two and accidently move out of your corner or a choke point of traps one or two tiles ahead for example. I use my KB for the most part as well.

    Besides that, I'm still curious if I could mod the grid size and font of the inventory.I was poking around a bit to see what can be done. Looks like I can change the font and edit the pngs but I don't see anything to do with grid size. Would there be an easier way to go about this?

    Thanks for the replies
  6. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    We'll be rolling in a 2x-sized inventory somewhere in the next few patches, and ideally a 2x character sheet window (though, man, what a pain!). 106, as announced just now on the blog, has a 2x-sized gameplay bar (the thing at the bottom of the screen with health, mana, skills, etc), so that should help you out.
  7. stickler

    stickler Member

    Thanks for the help, that all sounds pretty good. I can't wait to see what else is added later on.

    Looking through the folder I could see how it would be a pain. Totally worth it, though. Between Dungeons of Dredmor and Torchlight I don't think I'll be needing any other games to occupy my time for a long time.
    There is one more thing I wanted to ask though: Is there a way to make the key binds bind to mouse3/mouse4 etc? I usually do that with other games but since it didn't work I bound inventory to the e key but when pressed it opens up the character sheet as well. Is there a file I can modify to force inventory etc manually? Sorry for the double questions I just didn't want to create another thread just for that.

    Another thing a little off topic here but I don't want to create another thread and spam the boards.
    I'd of paid way more than $5 for this game. Once I bought it the rest of my friends did too when I told them how good it was. I've been burned by other developers selling their games at this price before (not to say I haven't bought a lot of great games at this price) but I was curious when I heard it was similar to nethack/rogue like games. I bought it and was blown away with how well done it was. It's also nice to see that the community/devs here are really helpful too.

    Hell, look at how much time I've already sunk into playing it:

    Anyways, thanks for the quick help and replies.