Question about Translation rerolls

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by APODIONYSUS, Aug 18, 2011.



    I have a question.

    Let's say I take an item with default enchantments like a Naturey Orb with it's plus 1 mana regen and use it on an Anvil. If I then use TTiAW on it, will it on reroll any Anvil added enchantments and always keep the base ones? Or can I lose those too?

    I really want to use my Witches Hat on some anvils now that I can recharge them in this run, but cannot afford to lose it's default bonuses.

  2. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    Items will not lose their default attributes. However items can be cursed by Anvils and certain monsters. The negative attributes that it gains from being cursed can negate an existing attribute.

    E.g. Naturey Orb cursed with -1 Mana Regen will have 0 Mana Regen.

    You can usually shuffle any negative attributes you get with TTiAW until they're on something you don't care about.


    Oh yeah, I figured the negative enchantments can cancel those out, bit they can be rerolled. So long as +1 mana regen doesn't BECOME +1 crit chance, I'm good.
  4. 2DruNk2FraG

    2DruNk2FraG Member

    Hmm, I've been using TTiAW a lot on this run. It's mechanics are confusing to me as well. So, if an anvil adds a bonus(or minus), but does not make the item an artifact, can you send it to Marcus Bradey? It sounds like the above explanation says you can, and it will only shuffle the added attributes. In my experience when I reinterpret the translation of an artifact, like a ring, I get all new attributes (except on weapons... which just get more and more on the first line... bugged).
  5. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Um, an Anvil always makes an item into an artifact. Unless it was already an artifact.
  6. dhex

    dhex Member

    what translation doesn't seem to do, in my experience, is change a negative enchantment into a positive one. i may have a -2 to magic regeneration from an anvil, but no matter how many times i send it back i still have some kind of negative effect on the item.
  7. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    That is correct. Negative randoms and Positive randoms are rolled separately. Also, rerolling it seems to have a chance of applying an additional negative affect on them. The trick is to try and shunt them on to stats you don't care about, like a Vampire to health regen or a heavy caster towards melee power or burliness.
  8. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    @DavidB1111: I've had at least one item come off of an anvil without an artifact name. Dunno if that is supposed to happen, or not. Probably not, since when I rerolled it's stats, all of it's new enchantments were erased, and it was reset to it's original state. Kinda sucked.
  9. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    @Vykk Draygo Do you know the name of the item you put on it?
    Because the following items are ones that never change their name because they're already artifacts.
    Poncho with no name, Shield of Caketown, Invisible Shield, I think, Sir Alberich's Helm, the best helm in the game, and worth it for anyone, even a mage, :) , Mossy Shield, and a few others.
    They're set as artifact in the game files, so, that's why they never change names.
    And if you rerolled it and it reset the stats, that just means you got the worst reroll ever, and it gave you all minuses.
  10. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    I'm not sure about the first time, but I have seen it with the Poncho With No Name, but I didn't think that was a bug (it has no name, after all). It was probably a Mossy Shield, though.

    I suppose that rolling all negs is possible. I never thought of that, and I just never touched it again.
  11. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Ah. Yeah, I see.
    As for the negative rerolls, It probably is just not likely.
  12. dhex

    dhex Member

    at this point i'm kinda ehhhh on krong in general - too much of a gamble. you can endlessly reroll, of course, but even then you're only going to break even if the original enchantmen was negative.

    (lutefisk is a similar issue, but obviously more of a hassle than a gamble and less destructive, unless you're hording every last penny)
  13. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    The thing is, a couple of good Krong boosts are invaluable, and it really does seem the good boosts(or at least neutral, if you don't like the stat you get) are a fair amount more common. Further more, most builds only rely heavily on a small amount of stats. The chances of getting something you want, getting something you don't need, or losing something you don't need, far out weigh the chances of losing something you do need.
  14. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Indeed. Especially due to the fact that the code has it a 5/8 for a good result( according to people here who looked it up, ) leaving a 3/8 chance for a bad result.
    The odds are indeed stacked in your favor.
    That said, saving the game before hitting the anvil, quitting via Alt-F4, or dying, if you're off Permadeath, if you get a bad result, is one way of stacking it so you get a good result always. :) Sometimes it may take several reloads...

    But for me, I rarely need to do that. I just like Archaelogy for the double Krong chance. :) That and if you're lucky, you can reroll a bad fedora Kronging into something that grants armor absorption.
  15. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    Of course, it is definitely an exploit to reload like that. Even with out reloading, it is still a bet stacked in your favor.
  16. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Exactly, it's stacked in your favor, but to exploit it, I leave that up to the individual to exploit or not.
    I just like to put out the info, if you will. :)
  17. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    I personally think the game should delete your last save and auto-save after using an anvil, lutfisk shrine, using TTiAW, or completing a quest.
  18. An item can also be sort of exploited by TTIAW, because it doesn't track enchantments particularly well. It can wipe curses at times, but not entirely sure of the cause. My guess is if you a positive and negative buff zero each other out, next reroll it forgets it had that negative.
  19. Bhruic

    Bhruic Member

    "Indeed. Especially due to the fact that the code has it a 5/8 for a good result( according to people here who looked it up, ) leaving a 3/8 chance for a bad result."

    5/7 and 2/7 actually, but pretty close. ;)
  20. Marak

    Marak Member

    5/7 is even better than 5/8 - by about 9%. Pretty substantial if you ask me. And yeah, i can't see not taking the gamble on any and all anvils - even if you DO get hosed and get a couple of negatives on the item, and if even you DIDN'T take Archaeology for some reason... what are the chances that you won't be able to replace the item with either with a new one, or an upgrade, at some point?

    And even if you get past all those ifs I mentioned, there's still a chance that the negative will be to a stat you don't care about or that doesn't hinder you in a crippling way.

    As others have said, the deck is stacked pretty damn heavily in your favor when you plop an item on ol' Krong's anvil(s).