Unarmed no longer comes with Hachimaki? (Bug)

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by 123stw, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. 123stw

    123stw Member

    No it's not a helmet replacement. I deliberately picked a build with no starting helmet except unarmed, and I still get nothing. It makes unarmed nearly unplayable at the very start.

    Anyone else notice this bug?
  2. DerpTyrant

    DerpTyrant Member

    I've picked Unarmed, Axes, Swords, Hammers, Throwing, Bows and Wands and I've got it.
    I've picked Necro, Prome, Magic, Blood, Leywa, Vamp and Unarmed and I've got it.
    I'm sure i'll get it on everything else that doesn't have a skill with hats too.

    Did you check only your inventory or equip slots? Be cause it gets automatically equipped. What build exactly you're going for?
  3. Bronze

    Bronze Member

    @123stw I have the same issue. I've tried loading 4-5 different characters with the same build:

    1) Unarmed
    2) Beserker Rage
    3) Artful Dodger
    4) Viking Wizardry
    5) Perception
    6) Burglary
    7) Assassination

    No Hachimaki every time. I even went so far as to verify files on steam, delete the game and reinstall but still no hat joy.

    I added this as a bug to the Google spreadsheet the devs are monitoring.

    If anyone else has this issue now is the time to speak up. If anyone wants to test feel free.
  4. Bronze

    Bronze Member

    BTW I can get the Atrologer Hat (whatever its name) and the Fedora just fine.
  5. DerpTyrant

    DerpTyrant Member

    Huh ... I tried that exact build I didn't got it.
    One of the skill combos or skills itself prevent Unarmed giving the hat. If you really wan to solve this and help devs with it as much as possible, I suggest finding out which one.
  6. Bhruic

    Bhruic Member

    Hmm, I did a bunch of testing, it seemed like I could only get the Hachimaki if my Warrior points were the highest of the three. Any time that my Rogue or Wizard points were higher than my Warrior points, I didn't get it. Not sure if that's the way it's intended to work or not.
  7. DerpTyrant

    DerpTyrant Member

    Yeah, it works that way. Just tried it.
    The only problem here is that it's bugged. I know and I'm completely certain that I've took full mage builds in the past and got the Hachimaki. I also know that the build I tested few hours ago "Necro, Prome, Magic, Blood, Leywa, Vamp and Unarmed", I've also got the hat. But if I choose it now I don't get it. I made it GoingRogue and I've got it. Then I changed to medium difficulty and I didn't got it. So I thought that was it. But I changed back to GoingRogue and I didn't got it again.

    So it's probably bugged. If not, devs explain?)
  8. Bronze

    Bronze Member

    I don't know why you have to have a certain number of skill choices from the archetypes to qualify for some of the starting items. The Hachimaki would help rogue and wizard just the same. Especially if unarmed was your primary melee skill.

    Starting equipment could be so much simpler if you only had to worry about one skill overriding another's starting equipment, instead of: does my build have x skills from class x to get a certain starting item?

    Seems kind of limiting especially for those that play Going Rogue and need all the help they can get from the start.
  9. fishofmuu

    fishofmuu Member

    It might be a bug.
  10. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    From what I heard, it's not a bug. It's something to do with your char having to be a certain archetype to use the Hachimaki.
  11. Bronze

    Bronze Member

    Yep thats exaclty it. It is not a bug, it is a design decision.

    You must have "warrior" skills chosen equal to or greater than the other individual class skills (rogue/wizard).
  12. Embolus

    Embolus Member

    If I had to guess from the evidence presented, I'd say that a predominantly Mage build does not override the Hachimaki, but a predominantly Rogue build does.