The charge that froze the world

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by doorhandle, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. doorhandle

    doorhandle Member

    ...Okay, the problem's not that dramatic, and we may already have found this one but still.

    Basically, I'm having an issue, where I cast a (4 full glyph) sandstorm on an ancient rutabaga, and it then charges me on it's turn, taking damage as it passes through each square, and usually dying just as it reaches me, and then the game freezes. Everything still animates, but i can;t click on any buttons, abilities, energies, or anything, and I can't move.

    I'm not a coder, but I think the problem may arise because the rutabaga dies before it can make the attack at the end of the charge, and therefore can't make the attack and end it's turn because it's dead, thus freezing the game.

    I'm using windows xp but I'm sure this issue is not limited just to that platform.

    Something to consider for the next bug fix.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Can you upload a save where that happens?
  3. Highwang

    Highwang Member

    Edit: Ok i'm done being dumb

    This should be my autosave for a similar circumstance. If you go two rooms to the right you should wind up in a room with several ravens, 2 rutabagas and a magic golem along with a bolt vending machine. Casting sandstorm in this mob has a very high chance of replicating these circumstances and crashing the game. The crash is the game won't respond to commands, but will still be animated and windows won't recognize it as crashed.

    Also if this being an autosave wrecks shit, sorry but its all I got

    Attached Files:

    Daynab likes this.
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, that will help.
  5. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    Same issue on Win7, so it's not just an XP thing. It has happened twice with the fully glyphed sandstorm, with rutabagas. I haven't been able to replicate the issue, unfortunately. Next time it happens I'll try and post a save as well.
  6. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    it's triggered whenever a creature dies on a spell mine before it finishes its charge attack.
  7. doorhandle

    doorhandle Member

    Also seconding the food-poisoning thing. OUCH! God, Rutbagas are dicks!

    How do you upload a save file?
  8. BMandFighter

    BMandFighter Member

    Crash is occurring for me as well on DL 5, with Rutabagas present and the non responsive screen.
  9. Average Joe

    Average Joe Member

    Rutabagas sound like troublemakers. Is there a Cuisinart weapon in the game?