Communism effects

Discussion in 'Conquest of the Wizardlands' started by GreyZ0mbie, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. GreyZ0mbie

    GreyZ0mbie Member

    I cant understand, when i play with the skill "Communist", why all of the Communism effects are only bad? The irony and humor is quite good and I like it, but playing becomes much more difficult, because only worsen the modifiers triggers. Can I do something wrong?

    And bomb was very nice for that zoo, you know :D But only one bomb, for last skill... Looks unfair.

    And... Khm... ЯUSSIA MOTHEЯ LAND :rolleyes:
  2. Lunix Vandal

    Lunix Vandal Member

    You should only be seeing the Communism debuffs if you have Vanguard Party running or use Dialectical Materialism. There's actually two positive Communism effects -- one gives free zorkmids (Reform and Opening), the other (Winter Offensive) temporarily replaces vodka's Water Fluoridation debuff with a small buff. Both Vanguard and Materialism boil down to considering whether their respective benefits (an infinite-duration removable buff and an uncurse, respectively) outweigh the possible downsides (chance of debuffs when in melee and three-to-one chance of immediate debuffing, respectively).

    Yes, General Winter hurts you too, but you can safely ignore it if you can stack enough Hyperborean resist (namely, 5 plus one-tenth your crit chance). Since Winter Offensive gives 2:resist_hyperborean: for free whenever General Winter procs, the Toque of Kanada is usually sufficient for the rest. If you've got really high crit chance, though, you might need to track down a Time Lord Scarf or the Mittens of the Hyperborean Heirophant.

    The trick with The Bomb is that it's meant to be paired with 7 Wandcrafting -- reaching that final, most glorious level of Communism is the most reliable way to get the recipe to churn more Bombs out of your n-Dimensional Lathe. The Wandcrafting skill itself gives 6:wand_burn:, you just need one more from someplace else ...
    GreyZ0mbie likes this.
  3. Warskull

    Warskull Member

    Diaelectic Materialism commonly gives you the negative communism debuffs. The first two levels of communism are amazing. General Winter isn't that great. It eats up your hat slot and is really dangerous to you, but only occasionally helpful. Vanguard party is alright. Iron Curtain is actually quite good.

    It feels like the first two skills are the real reason you want the communism line.
    GreyZ0mbie likes this.
  4. GreyZ0mbie

    GreyZ0mbie Member

    Yeah, i forgot about Vanguard Party. Thanky you very much!

    About General Winter: i have not any problem with that - its rarely hurt me.

    Aww, get it. I am total fighter in this gameplay, so i miss my Bomb :D

    Yes, looks like you are right.I took all of that skills and happy bout Party and first 3d (with General Winter). Now i get this general tactic, thanks.