Re-suggesting Launcher Bypass

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by satoru, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. satoru

    satoru Member

    Other than selecting the resolution for the first time, the launcher seems redundant afterwards. If you could put a checkbox to disable the launcher, or even a command line option would work.
  2. That could be good I guess, but a checkbox could give some trouble, let's say you check it and some time after you want to change something, you wouldn't be able to change it as there are no ingame options :/

    EDIT: while are at it, it would be nice a way to disable the message at the beginning asking if you played the tutorial
  3. geddoe

    geddoe Member

    Yes, please!

    Only a minor convenience, but it would be nice to not have to go through the launcher every time!


    @ChocolateWaffle put the checkbox on the main menu screen ingame :)
  4. Anacone

    Anacone Member

    Sure we get it to next patch, whole packet. Or least sometimes. We can always hope :)
  5. satoru

    satoru Member

    @ChocolateWaffle I realize the issue with having a checkbox and you could get into a loop where the game crashes on start up and you can't fix the problem without the launcher. I think a command line option in that case would be good like '-nolauncher' or something similar to the experimental '-opengl' option right now. That way for those who want to disable it can do so, but it can be easily undone in case of troubleshooting.