Vampire hits on melee only?

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Sunhawk, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Sunhawk

    Sunhawk Member

    I'm pretty sure I saw an answer for this, but don't remember where or what it was.
    1) Does vampirism pop on crossbows and thrown?
    2) Does vampirism pop on magic kills?
  2. geddoe

    geddoe Member

    1) No
    2) No

    You can't really drink someone's blood from range :/
  3. Sunhawk

    Sunhawk Member

    Thought so.
  4. ComradeRoost

    ComradeRoost Member

    It's not bad though. I'm Vlad the equal-rights human resorce manager, here to tell you that we absolutely rape when our melee is high enough, and have much more efficently managed space now that we can ignore food. I'm not a vampire.
  5. NefariousKoel

    NefariousKoel Member

    Doesn't it rely on spell power for better results, though?

    Guess you won't be wearing very heavy armor...
  6. Patchumz

    Patchumz Member

    it does use spell power atm, but they're going to remedy that Soon™.
  7. picklecannon

    picklecannon Member

    @ComradeRoost or you can go fungal arts and just use the first skill (no further investment needed) to spawn some greedy blungecap's that will give you temporary life steal for the fights where you'll need it, with out any of the extra draw backs of vampirism. Not to mention the other mushrooms and their amazing buffs as well.
  8. NefariousKoel

    NefariousKoel Member

    Shroomin' has a lot of advantages, but it also requires a lot of planting on corpses. -.-
  9. Tacroy

    Tacroy Member

    From a mechanical standpoint Fungal Arts is strictly better than Vampirism, but unfortunately from a player standpoint it about as interesting as watching grass grow :(
  10. bushybrow

    bushybrow Member

    I picked vampirism on my first time through and had a magic based character... i died fast