1.0D Incorrect strings

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Sathra, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. Sathra

    Sathra Member

    Ball cartridge ammunition says its used in the 'Blunderbuss and Resolver'
    FMJ used in the "Revolver, Jezail and Carbine".
    Revolver uses ball, but might be confusing for folks.

    Standing order for planks says: "Standing order for x Plankss". No idea how easy this is to fix.

    And not quite a string thing, but the gunpowder recipe is a bit misleading. It asks for charcoal, when it actually just needs coal or charcoal. Is the 'Carbon' tag revealed anywhere?
    Exile likes this.
  2. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    adding here , too
    Steam Knight Forge (1x)
    <require_commodity_geq name="iron_pipes" amount="8" failure_reason="8x Iron Plates needed" is_cost="2" />
    failure reason should be 8 iron pipes needed (crafted in the metalworks forge or lathe)

    <require_commodity_geq name="copper_pipes" amount="8" failure_reason="8x Glass Panes needed" is_cost="3" />
    failure reason should be 8 copper pipes needed (crafted in the metalworks forge or lathe)
    <require_commodity_geq name="bricks" amount="10" failure_reason="10x Planks needed" is_cost="4" />
    failure reason should be 10x bricks needed (crafted in the ceramics workshop in a kiln)
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  3. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    Also buildings.xml
    Power core dynamo (1x)
    <require_commodity_geq name="brass_cogs" amount="5" failure_reason="5x Glass Panes needed" is_cost="3" />
                        <require_commodity_geq name="bricks" amount="5" failure_reason="5x Planks needed" is_cost="4" />
    Failure reason should read 5x Brass cogs needed and 5x bricks needed
    Also the cost display for plates states copper plates instead of iron plates
    <cost name="iron_plate_icon" display_name="Copper Plates"                    amount="10"/>
    Exile likes this.
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Thanks for the detailed reports, logged this as OC-5936, will be an easy fix.
    Exile likes this.