Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Removing that now-unnecessary control is on the TODO, logged as OC-5348.

    Yeah, it needs better tooltips - part of OC-5243.

    Logged as OC-5367, should be easy to fix. Edit: Fixed.

    Ah, bugger. Due to changes in meat-stacking from butchery. Logged as OC-5368. Edit: Fixed.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
    tojosan likes this.
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    1. Is logged as OC-5367, got it up-thread slightly. Edit: Fixed.
    2. Logged as OC-5369, looking into it. Edit: Fixed some issues with the FO/trader summon events, tested in dev build and works now so tentatively fixed.
    3. Is intentionally hidden, though may review that decision.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Logged looking into your savegame and fixing everything therein as OC-5370, thx for the reports & save.

    Edit: I spawned a Steam Knight with no problem, though I have fixed some errors in the foreign office already so that may have got it.

    Also found the problem that froze a character: female armoured bandits did not have their animation set properly defined! They'd default to reasonable alternatives, but finding the length of a very particular animation would break the interaction. Wow, that was neat. Fixed for 53C!
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  4. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    No! They are awesome. I have a whole herd running around in my village, but they are friendly... like pets for me... my people.
    Unforked likes this.
  5. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    Could this be made configurable like with bandit raids ? Foreign invasions really pose an issue for graveyard building and i haven't yet found an easy way to prevent it
  6. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    *trait - beetle lover*
    Tarod likes this.
  7. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Ok, this was bonkers. Quag'garoth emerged and just decided to hang out on the side of the cliff. At first I thought it was locked in battle with that tiny beetle on the left, but then I realized there was a group of Obeliskians hiding in the cliff face. It looks like they may have been fighting each other? Those are your children Quag'garoth!

    ...Or maybe Q was "pregnant" with Obeliskians that just dropped into the cliff and exploded into the water? And where did that malachite and sulfer come from? So many questions.

    Edit: On further inspection, it seems that Q does in fact yield Obeliskians and various ores when exploded.

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  8. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Probably not related to the same bit of code but I noticed in a session just now that a naturalist ran off to hunt something and ran right up to 4 hostile bandits that were heading to raid the colony. Naturalist remained completely oblivious to them as a threat until they opened up and pretty much instantly died to all the fire at point blank range... though they did finally notice them after being shot and switched to the civilian combat state and got in one bitch slap with a sandy spade on a bandit before dropping dead.

    But did make me wonder seeing your comment then seeing the naturalists behaviour later if colonists raising alarms would even work properly if they don't recognise a threat in some situation until after it has attacked them.

    Edit: On a unrelated note, it seemed a bit weird to be watching a colonist go hunting with a huge hunting rifle, only to put it away when dealing with bandits and opting to charge in to whack them with a spade. :p
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
  9. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    This is bureaucracy, there are rules!
  10. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    Or *trait - beetle tamer*
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
  11. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    Lol yeah but I was referring to the trait where a colonist has an odd fondness for beetles. There's one for mushrooms and one for fish people if I recall correctly
  12. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    A few problems.
    People getting stuck and starving to death inside bunkhouses after finishing building it.
    Cots not being built after I've built the bunkhouse (and added those later) and after that in every other bunkhouse.

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  13. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Fight the power!

    Stick it to the man!

    Free pole dancing for everyone!
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
  14. Hello, So nice chances for 53B , but i'm at day 67, with 88 Colonists.
    1 - science points 20, irrespective of skill level
    2 - Labores wont fill the Booze on Public House well , generating fear and cults

    so game over for me till 53C ?

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  15. gmkchicago

    gmkchicago Member

    Does anyone have any issues with the 'W Upkeep' icon being hidden behind the buttons on the right (time of day, building view)?
    Does it have to do with my screen resolution, or is there another way to fix this?
  16. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Patience! You can see up-thread that #1 has been fixed.

    As for #2, do you have spare booze in your colony? And if so and it's not working, can you attach your saved game to a post? I'd be happy to look into what might be going wrong in there.
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
  17. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Now that colonists can go crazy again, will they rename their workshops something sinister like they used to? I've had a few mad overseers in my latest game and I haven't seen it yet. That was such a great detail, I hope it gets included again eventually.
  18. thanks for answering!

    sorry but i do not understand about the #1 had been fixed ? its for the next patch ? or is for the 53B

    and here is my save game .. thanks a lot

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  19. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    Next patch, which will be soon™ probably.
    Francisco Luiz likes this.
  20. Manamoo

    Manamoo Member

    **Broken Record Alert** Will the Upkeep thing get more attention...still a game breaker for me...((sigh)) No giddy happy dances....still just doesn't fit, but that's my humble opinion...
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