Finally got around to cleaning up the front page of the official wiki

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Daniel, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    The official wiki is now organized enough that it might actually be useful to people if it gets a little love in the content department!

    We'll add some stuff to get people going, but if you've got any experience with wikis, we could definitely use a hand. Design suggestions would be especially cool, if you have a specific build order that you like.

    Bay12 fans will probably recognize a lot of the front page organization, which i borrowed from heavily. The DF wiki is published under GNU, whereas the CE wiki is published under CC. The philosophy behind them is basically the same, so hopefully no one minds, but if so we can revert it.
    Darkmere and KillerKidClever like this.
  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Woo, the wiki could certainly use some more content. I've tackled some of the food-related pages.

    I lack experience with Long Pork, so if somebody could answer here, or better, go edit the wiki page directly: what does Long Pork's collection chain look like? See my following two examples:

    Aurochs (not edible) -> Raw Aurochs Steak (edible) -> Cooked Steak (edible)
    Lingonberries (not directly edible) -> Bushel of Lingonberries (edible) ->Lingonberry Preserves (edible)

    The Kitchen merely lists the recipe as 'Long Pork', which is the end result. What is the name of its collected state (i.e. "Raw" Long Pork), and what is the name of Long Pork when it's cooked (i.e. "Cooked" Long Pork)?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  3. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Humans (not edible) -> Dead Humans -> Long Pork Raw -> Cooked Long Pork

    Or something like that
  4. FearTheAmish

    FearTheAmish Member

    Updated Plants -

    Cabbage Plant
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    Cabbage can currently be used three different ways, it can be eaten raw, It can be made into Cabbage stew, and it can be made into normal "stew". Currently there is no difference in nutritional value between Cabbage Stew and Regular Stew.

    Pumpkin Vine
    Jump to: navigation, search
    Pumpkin Vine can currently be used three different ways, it can be eaten raw, It can be made into Pumpkin stew, and it can be made into normal "stew". Currently there is no difference in nutritional value between Pumpkin Stew and Regular Stew.


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    Wheat can currently be used Two different ways, It can be made into Bread, and it can be made into normal "stew". Currently there is no difference in nutritional value between Bread and Regular Stew.

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    A place to plant Crops. Crops Go through three stages currently and if left idle a fourth. To move onto the next stage they require to be worked by a laborer at specific times. You can tell they are ready to be worked because they will have a little puff of dust and shake once. If they stay idle for a period of time (aprox. 4-8 minutes) after they are ready to move to the next stage they will die.

    New Planting In this stage the Crops have just been planted by a laborer. The plant will be small and barely recognizable for what it is.

    Mid Growth In this stage the Crops start to look like the crop that will be harvested, and has doubled in size.

    Full Growth In this stage the Crops look like their harvested form but aren't final, examples being Wheat is light green instead of yellow and Cabbage plants haven't opened.

    Harvest Ready In this stage the Crops are their harvest ready form, Wheat is Yellow, Cabbage are open, Pumpkins are on the vine. Laborers when they work the plot will now gather the Crops.

    Will add pictures when i get a chance.
    Daynab likes this.
  5. Marc HC

    Marc HC Member

    Isn't it possible to make something as simple, practical and widespreadly used like porridge with wheat? It's like liquid bread for poor people.
  6. FearTheAmish

    FearTheAmish Member

    You can make simple stew with it... just like everything else.
  7. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    The uses of wheat came up during the Twitch stream earlier today; you can also make beer out of your wheat (*airquotes* "wheat stew"), but you need a ton of infrastructure before you can brew anything.
  8. FearTheAmish

    FearTheAmish Member

    Crud your right completely forgot Beer... ill edit/add it. Also i am TERRIBLE at Wiki formatting so please don't feed me to the Fishpeople.
    Daniel likes this.
  9. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

  10. Marc HC

    Marc HC Member

    Yes, but having different types of stew, why not have porridge too?
  11. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I figure this is the best place for wiki -related inquiries:

    For the purposes of the wiki, what are the official names of the tropical chicken and giant beetle, native to the Tropical Biome?
  12. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    In the files, "Junglefowl"* and "Giant Beetle".

    (*Okay, it's "Jungle Fowl" right now, but apparently it ought to be one word so I'm going to change it tomorrow.)
  13. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I've been creating and cross-linking stub entries for the food and resource-related stuff on the wiki. Fellow forumites, we could definitely use some screenshots in there.

    Some kind of Gamepedia admin (possibly a bot) has attached a bunch of Double Fine links to the Media Sidebar, I believe, under the erroneous belief that Clockwork Empires is affiliated with Double Fine in some way. There's a section for 'Other DF wikis (DF is abbreviating Double Fine, in this case), containing links to Broken Age, Hack n' Slash, and Massive Chalice. There's a second 'Portals' subsection which contains links to the official sites and forums for Spacebase DF-9. It's not possible to edit these, as they are admin-level entries.

    Devs, I imagine the wiki is not a priority at present, but this is something you may want to get corrected at some point.

  14. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, we'll look into this, seems like it's something with higher permissions required than what I can edit, even.