Removing encrusts

Discussion in 'Conquest of the Wizardlands' started by Borodin, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    Is it possible?

    Say you come home from a hard day at factory working for Diggle Burns. Then you discover, to your dismay, that the suit of armor you encrusted late last night is moderately unstable. You remember that it even triggered a spell that killed you--and here, you thought it was just a bad hangover! But is there anything you can to save the thing, at this point?
  2. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Blister Packs
  3. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    Other than the bug which involves a Krong blessing removing all encrustations. Unless that was deliberate.
  4. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    Are there blister packs for non-jewelry items? it'd be nice to use it on the items i tend to encrust most(weapons and armour). I never encrust Jewelry cause there are no positive ones for jewelry.
  5. tcjsavannah

    tcjsavannah Member

    If you've smithed/tinkered the item and can upgrade it, you can get rid of the encrust that way. I did this turning a baubled Steel Ratchet Crossbow into a Clockwork Bolt Thrower sans encrusting.
  6. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    That'll work. It removes Artifact/Krong enchants, corruption and curses too.
  7. GreyICE

    GreyICE Member

    Serious question, why would you want to?

    At the moment instability is a feature, not a bug, and includes the following:

    1) Random Teleports a la Time Lord's scarf
    2) Black Tendrils that can be totally resisted with some necromantic resist (like 10-15, Diggle God of Death does it fine)
    3) An explosion that can be totally resisted with armor.

    So basically it adds tons of AOE damage to your weapons and armor, and gets you out of trouble. For free.
  8. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    Teleports aren't so bad(unless it teleports you INTO the middle of a monster zoo). but the AoE damage is hard to get resistances for in the early game(especially on a non-warrior), and it risks angering Brax.
  9. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    I'd expect that necromantic resistance to be bypassed after the patch. We'll see.
  10. The random-teleport-on-hit is good for, say, a mage characer who wants to GTFO anytime they're stuck in melee, but it's mostly obnoxious for a warrior who wants to pick a chokepoint and murder everything toe-to-toe, as you either get thrown forward into the middle of a bunch of foes, or backwards, losing you your position. And 10-15 necromantic resist isn't "easy" to get until you actually find a Diggle God of Death statue, which comes, at best, 2/3 of the way through the game and requires that you take DGOD instead of, say, any other god buff. So getting an instability that fits your archetype can be a nice bonus, but the tenebrous rift instability can and will kill an unprepared character, especially if they're in a tight situation when the spell triggers.
  11. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Er. I have like 6 necromantic resistance, and the necromantic explosion doesn't do anything.
    It's more annoying than dangerous, and it should be that way.
    Why would they do that? It wouldn't make any sense, and render that item basically useless. This isn't Slash'EM. :)
    Actually, why would anyone not stop encrusting after a bit, anyway, none of the Encrusts I've found make the game super easy or anything, just extremely useful.
    Crushing resistance for big blues and what not.
  12. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    Not super easy? But if all self-damage can be negated for instability, encrustation becomes super easy. The player can encrust everything they like as far as possible, without ever worrying about suffering any penalties for it. Unless I'm misreading you?
  13. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Er, I'm saying, why the hell would you ever encrust so many things on you, so that you constantly trigger the instability.
    That doesn't make any sense at all.

    I really don't think encrusting should go the way of ore into ingots. :) People abused how many ingots you got from 4 levels of smithing/tinkering, which caused the majority to suffer from it, as Gaslamp Games "fixed" it by making it 2 ingots regardless of level.

    Encrusting is nice, but it makes zero sense for anyone to encrust their gear too many times.I don't want encrusting to become completely useless because some bad people abused it. :(
    Like how Translation is All wrong got super-nerfed, and then they broke it completely by giving it the stealing of one power each time you use it.

    Having the damage from the unstable encrusting bypass resist would be a horrible cop-out, and break all items that got unstable. No one would use Encrusting if their items got broken to hell and back from the unstable reactions.

    I'm not sure how you thought the game could become easy here.
    Encrusting will not make the game super easy, as long as people don't abuse it.
    What's wrong with limiting how many encrustings can be placed on an item then? Better than the instability.
  14. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    I'd max out possible encrustings if the instability was replaced by a cap. I'm hoping for a way to unencrust or replace an encrust on an item without upgrading it via crafting. Cause most of my encrusts are spent on fully upgraded gear.
  15. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    Because you'd strive to stay in the area where encrusting was safe, or try to push it just enough so that the risk was worth the result. If there was no risk, it wouldn't be fun, and if there was no result, it wouldn't be worth it. If I could encrust with complete safety, it would be less interesting to me. I go to games like this for the thrill of taking a chance, not ironclad certainties. But people who wanted the latter...? There are encrustations that are slight and give them this.

    Just my two cents, mind.
  16. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    You do have a point. But my point, convoluted as it was, :) , is that the game is better off making it harder to put too many abilities on your items. I really don't know how long it takes to make some things unstable. Since my current game is bugged and Encrusting doesn't exist.
  17. GreyICE

    GreyICE Member

    Well there's an encrust recipe that gives you +5 Dodge. Unlimited encrusts. 140 dodge becomes trivial. There's encrusts that add resists. 60 electric resist facing down Dredmor? Sure. Encrusts that add damage. Those are amazing. Doing 60-80 damage from 1 crossbow shot? Easy peasy.

    The price is that you do AOE damage to everyone around you and teleport out of trouble.

    P.S. If you don't encrust weapons, they only proc on getting hit. 140 Dodge stops you from ever getting hit, so.
    Borodin likes this.
  18. eskr

    eskr Member

    Nah, instability that can potentially kill you is much more fun.
    You know the risks going in! ;)
    FaustoMartense likes this.
  19. Kablooie

    Kablooie Member

    Got a pretty good idea about Encrusting here - is there a good source (besides impossible digging in the blogs) link for exactly what it is and it's risks? I googled it three times and, zip, nothing, save people posting "What the hell is encrusting?". The wiki (well, one of the wiki's) scarcely mentions it.
  20. eskr

    eskr Member

    Encrusting was changed in the last hotfix, so I'd wait a bit for the new patch to circulate. Dredmorpedia will probably update eventually. I'm sure you can go digging through the game files in the meantime though.