Wizardlands with good loot

Discussion in 'Conquest of the Wizardlands' started by Warlock, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Posting this out here for people to have easy access to those wizardlands having decent loot. Please sticky alongside the other graffiti thread, and in case anyone else finds similar wizardland codes, post here so that I can add those to the list.

    EDIT: Thread wiped for the sake of the new patch

    Level 1:
    Argitpokgorjaf - GRPD, Lekon's Seerly Robe, Giant Stone Club, Tesla Wand, healing potion, minor loot - CONFIRMED
    Bangjafcragorwa - GRPD, AV3 randart at end of trap hallway, Coat of Denim, Handy Wand, Tesla Wand, Verdant Poison - CONFIRMED
    Bangpokcragorit - Tentacular Wand, Poison bottle bolt x5, N-dimensional Lathe, minor loot
    Binlioopokgorpok - AV3 Randart at end of trap hallway, Stony Wand, Mossy Shield - CONFIRMED
    Bitkolewngorbel - AV2 Beige Warlock robe, Horadric Lutefisk cube, Cybercone, Supple leather gloves, minor loot - CONFIRMED
    Bitjobelgorwa - Tentacular Wand, Coral Wand, Infernal Potion, Dire Empowerment Potion, AV2 randart - CONFIRMED
    Bittwenuzgorunfuum - AV8 artifact ring in chest, but otherwise minor loot - CONFIRMED
    Bzatrhotwegorchu - Iron Breastplate, Rough Iron Hjalmr, 3x Bookshelf in brazier room, assorted potions
    Bzatseeizgornus - 2x random potion, 2x random wand, Verdant Poison, 3x bookshelf in dusty library room.
    Chrjolechakbel - 3x random wand, random potion, Cybercone, minor loot
    Corpizakgorwa - AV8 ring, Haematic Phylactery, Coral Wand, Bony Wand, Iron Hjalmr, minor loot - CONFIRMED (some of this might be random though)
    Cornggorgorlech - Iron Breastplate, Cybercone, minor loot - CONFIRMED
    Corpnusakgorfur - AV9 ring, lots of minor loot, random potion, random wand - CONFIRMED
    Darewnomakchu - AV8 ring, lots of minor loot, 9x Bolt of Doubt, 8x Eldritch bolt - CONFIRMED
    Darporunfuumgoriz - 5x Stone Bolt, 5x Poison Flask, Iron Breastplate, minor loot, AV2 randart - CONFIRMED
    Darzancragorrho - AV3 randart at end of trap hallway, lots of minor loot, Diary of the Whills, lots of craftables, ~26 lockpicks, 2 searchable bookshelves, AV8 ring in a fountain (YMMV.) - CONFIRMED
    Denjoporgorsee - Bolt of Mass Destruction, Tentacular Wand, Zodiacal Wand, minor loot - CONFIRMED
    Eychaunfuumgorpor - AV9 amulet, Naturey Orb, Fabulously Striped Pants, lots of minor loot, 2 bookshelves - CONFIRMED
    Fojouzgorzuk - Bronze cuirass, Fiery Wand, Poncho with no name, 3x Eldritch bolt, lots of minor loot
    Fwliooitgornuz - AV7 ring in maze, Mossy shield, random loot
    Innuzfrogorom - Fine Linen Shirt, Wand of Tesla(5), Mana Pot., Tentacular Wand(3), Fabulously Striped Pants, Lobstermane Fungus, Voltaic Cell, Acid Ampule Bolt(1), Iron Breastplate, Named Bronze Greaves (some loot random)
    Izjalkolakit - Skull bolt x4, AV4 ring, AV8 amulet, lots of minor loot
    Kromewngorgorlioo - AV9 ring, mage-focused with very good stats, lots of minor loot
    Llwelechgorng - Fairywodger, 4x skull bolt, lots of craftables, Thieving Gloves, minor loot
    Llwengfrogorsee - 2 random wands, 4 random potions, lots of craftables, minor loot
    Naizitgorpok - AV7 ring, Thieving Gloves, Naturey Orb, Camera, lots of minor loot
    Pillioocragorwa - Good: AV11 ring with +4 crit, some craftables, minor loot
    Pnuarpgorjaf - Tentacular Wand x2, lots of craftables and minor loot
    Powlechbelgorzar - Stupidly good AV14 mage ring with +3 MP, +2 sagacity and lots of other nice bonuses, Handy Wand, Deciduous Wand, randart, lots of craftables, minor loot - CONFIRMED
    Twyrhopokgorunfuum - Bolt of Mass Destruction, Haematic Phylactery, lots of minor loot, AV2 randart ring in chest, random loot, AV1 randart at end - CONFIRMED
    Uitwagornus - Tentacular wand, 2x replenishment potion, rough silver shield, lots of minor loot - CONFIRMED
    Ukolcragorba - A very nice AV 10 amulet, lots of minor loot
    Valngjalgorgor - AV10 ring w/ +1 life and mana regen, lots of minor loot - CONFIRMED

    Level 2:
    Banglioomagmaggor - Tentacular Wand, Naarwhaand, Potion of Alch Inspiration, AV2 randart, some minor loot
    Corprhorahmagcra - Camera,Cybercone, Studded leather coat, lots of minor loot
    Darcrajafmagewn - Bolt of Mass Destruction, Studded leather coat, Spectacles, lots of minor loot
    Fopokfromagpok - Several wands including a Naarwhaand, Voltaic potion, swashbuckling belt, minor loot
    Frikolchumaggor - AV2 one-armed leather jacket. Wand of laser, 2x potion of dire empowerment, potion of radiance, lots of minor loot
    Izporngmagewn - AV8 ring, lots of minor loot
    Kromakseemagrho - Belt of Champions, Iron Breastplate, One Sparkling Glove, minor loot
    Kyewnpokmaguz - Dark Orb, Iron Hjalmr, minor loot
    Kyjoomarpnus - Naarwhaand, Gelatinous Wand, 3x potion, AV3 ring in fountain (YMMV), 4x Skull bolt, 2x Aluminium tube, minor loot
    Nangjafmagarp - AV1 Amber ring of unending time at end of elder rune hallway, Stony Wand, Wand of Bling, AV2 Toque of Kanada at end, minor loot
    Pakaknuzmagtwe - Crown of Yellow, Lederhosen
  2. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    Inombelgorng: End loot isn't notable, but it's DL 1 and has a steel cuirass in it. (It hasn't worked for some.)
  3. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    On the spreadsheet, some people are saying that they got the exact same loot with the same code, but a few people are also getting different items. Nicholas commented and said that the loot should always be the same though. :confused:
  4. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    I'm checking out individual entries to confirm them. Whatever is confirmed will have a 'CONFIRMED' tag appended to the same in caps. Keep following to learn more.
  5. Blue

    Blue Member

    Cyrgorgorgorkol, DL1 with artifact ring that has 1:dmg_acidic:, 1:dmg_existential:, 2:dmg_aphyxiative:, 2 :magic_power:, 2:mana_regen:, 1:trap_level: and 1:edr: if I recall correctly.
    SkyMuffin likes this.
  6. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Added to the list, waiting on it.
  7. Tirien66

    Tirien66 Member

    Found a artifact ring very early on, other end of a trapped hall, in Achwapotgorak. Still have not finished exploring. Artifact pirate belt at the end. Neither are super powerful, but are still useful at level one.

    Figure I will edit again instead of double posting. Cyrgorgorgorkol did not give a artifact ring, artifacts inside were fairly crappy, only thing worth taking was a wand of lasers.
  8. Tirien66

    Tirien66 Member

    Ok, I am wondering if mods will change this, as I just checked Posbabagormag, and didnt find a single artifact.
  9. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Update: Most of the spreadsheet dlvl 1 codes are entered. The ones in the graffiti thread will follow soon.
  10. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    Cyrgorgorgorkol gave me an artifact ring, but it didn't seem like AV 10.
  11. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Post stats please? I confirmed the AV this morning myself, though I could be mistaken.
  12. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    It was something like +1:resist_aphyxiative:/:resist_righteous: and +2:crit:/:magic_power:. It was a pumice ring.

    It generally seems like wizardlands that work for others don't work for me, though.
  13. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Or they yet vary in ways we haven't found out still. There is a code here that's good for an AV 6 artifact specifically, are you sure that this wasn't the code you put in?
  14. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    I'm sure. It was the one I used to get away from some Dread Collectors, and it's written on my sheet of graffitis.
  15. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Thanks for the info then, I'll add this to the OP. :)
  16. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    By any chance was said ring in a chest near where you start off?
  17. Createx

    Createx Member

    Has Haematic Phylactery, a not-bad-artifact Regal Belt, 11 Plague Bolts, Meatwand, Bronze Aspis and some minor loot. Also Evil Clone lever (finally managed to beat them!)
  18. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Yes, I found it in one of the nearby chests.
  19. greggbot

    greggbot Member

    I'm pretty sure chest drops are randomized. It might be only ground loot that's consistent.
  20. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    It isn't always randomized though. Some of it does tend to be static in value, sometimes the item is the same for everyone exploring it. There are other factors here that we may not know of. In any case this is the only instance of the AV of a piece of guaranteed loot varying.