The Current Bugs Thread!

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by rydash, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. shaken

    shaken Member

    Saw this this morning:

    Glyph icons from Egyptian Magic (the ones that float above your player's head) will sometimes shift up while doing the "break object" animation (for boxes and such). By that I mean the Glyph icons will appear about one tile above where they should while the animation is playing.
  2. rydash

    rydash Member

    For clarification purposes, does anyone know if this is core game, or happening with YHtNtEP specifically?
  3. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    This is a core game thing. While it seems that the blocker generation procedure will specifically not place random blockers where they could block one-tile hallways, it only takes into account walls and not other blockers, hence creating the above problem. Anoter common example is in the "Heh heh heh" room where the tile between the level and the pedestal gets blocked.
  4. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    New bug: calling the transformmonster effect from a weapon with targethiteffectbuff will cause the game to crash.

    Using polymorphic injuction from the base game causes it to crash:

    <item name="Werezompire Claw" iconFile="items/weapons/weapon_werezompire.png" level="9" type="7" artifact="1">
        <price amount="900"/>
        <weapon slashing="2" piercing="3" transmutative="4"/>
        <resistbuff transmutative="2"/>
        <artifact quality="2"/>
        <secondarybuff id="3" amount="3"/>
        <secondarybuff id="5" amount="3"/>
        <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="100" name="Polymorphic Injunction" />
        <description text="A claw from the legendary werezompire, a beast so rare and elusive that no one knows where it is or what it even looks like. The best reports have it looking like everything, that is, looking just like a werezompire."/>
    And so does using the effect alone.

    <item name="Werezompire Claw" iconFile="items/weapons/weapon_werezompire.png" level="9" type="7" artifact="1">
        <price amount="900"/>
        <weapon slashing="2" piercing="3" transmutative="4"/>
        <resistbuff transmutative="2"/>
        <artifact quality="2"/>
        <secondarybuff id="3" amount="3"/>
        <secondarybuff id="5" amount="3"/>
        <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="100" name="Werezompirism" />
        <description text="A claw from the legendary werezompire, a beast so rare and elusive that no one knows where it is or what it even looks like. The best reports have it looking like everything, that is, looking just like a werezompire."/>
    <spell name="Werezompirism" type="target" icon="skills/polymorphic_injunction32.png" >
        <effect type="transformmonster" />
        <description text="Using powerful legalese, obtain an injunction against a monster for transformation plus damages." />
    Might want to look into this.
  5. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I just tried to purchase a stack of 5 Brimstone Flasks from Brax. I had 16000z and the item said it cost 5100z. But for some reason Brax insisted on telling me that I don't have the money.

    He then called me a punk :(
    impishacid and shaken like this.
  6. kav2k

    kav2k Member

    Bug with skill selection menu.

    If the screen is not tall enough (900 and less I can reproduce) to fit all skills in the grid, then the grid starts scrolling. This happens now with the lone Tourist not fitting.

    The bug: hovering cursor above a selected skill that is not currently displayed in the grid leads to all sorts of fun, from missing info to shifting/disappearing icons (see screenshot)

    Tested under both OS X and Windows.

    Attached Files:

  7. This may be a known issue but the rogue scientist poison flask attack gives you 20xp every time it is used.

    I assume this isn't intended, it seems kind of exploitable.
  8. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    The poison bomb creates a monster that immediately dies, that's where the XP comes from. There's apparently no way to make an enemy with no XP value, and the spell doesn't work right otherwise. But 20XP isn't much in the long run, so I don't think its an issue.
  9. rydash

    rydash Member

    I'll mark it down anyway, just for completeness' sake.
  10. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Known bug. He charges the listed price for every item in the stack. In other words he wanted 25500 from you.
    On the other hand if you have a single brimstone flask, you can go to his shop, and pick up the rest, they'll join the existing stack and you won't have to pay for them, and is not considered stealing code wise.
  11. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The room in the picture in the post you replied to is specific to YHTNTEP, but similar rooms exist in the main game and other expansions.
    • The main game treasure-room with the lava moat, bars, and acid gargoyle trap has issues where it sometimes seals off the treasure room completely.
    • In RotDG the room with the "pull to engage dark forces" lever, has these narrow winding walkways that frequently have trouble.
    • Sometimes even large open rooms will get a really bad bit of luck regarding a cluster of blockers. Usually doesn't cut a room in half like in the picture, but it does sometimes result in a chest or vending machine you can't access.
    Generally, these can be solved by teleports or knockbacks, so it's a good idea to include either a teleport or an area-affect attack with knockback in every build. Last I counted, that meant you had to include one of 11 different skills, so it wasn't too restrictive. There have been two expansions since I did that count, so the number has gone up. It shouldn't be hard to work one of those into nearly every build.

    CLARIFICATION: This is not a bug, it is a feature. It is very clear from Rooms.xml that at the very least the main game treasure room mentioned in the first bullet point intends to sometimes seal off that room.
  12. Is there a reason it needs to create a monster and kill it?

    It seems like there could probably be ways to make it function more elegantly. IDK.
  13. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    It can be done without any such skills too... but it's not as reliable. (It involves either buying or crafting concussion bombs, you only need 1 tinkering to craft them, and that can be gained through items).
  14. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Some weird things with Bankster:

    • If you're in a Wizardland, the scaling makes it so that all +zork spells give 0. Negative zork spells still scale as if you were on DL 1.
    • If you're in a Mysterious Portal, +zork skills still give 0. However, negative zork spells act as if you were on DL 16. :confused:
    Animal Aggro is also messed up in Mysterious Portal realms for Vegans (animals attack you).
  15. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    I think I saw a removemonster effect somewhere in cotw... oh yes scepticism-to-item does that.
        <effect type="removemonster" />
    I've got a feeling that doesn't grant any xp...

    Mind you there are spells that do require creating and killing a monster(because they need to make use of its corpse!*)

    *unintentional double entendre, sorry.
  16. shaken

    shaken Member

    Today I learned...
  17. Well I assumed the corpse was there to make the broken gas can effect? (...unless I'm misremembering what it looks like)

    In which case it seems like you could possibly add a "spawn monster corpse" effect too? IDK.

    ETA: It doesn't look like friendly monsters give experience? Would that potentially help here?
  18. Actually I've seen rooms with fountains blocking one-tile's a screenshot of one, and there's actually two on this map like that (identical configurations - both circled in red on the minimap).

    Speaking of which, maybe that's a bit of a bug in the floor generation? Since having two identical areas on the same floor - the two small rooms next to each other, the right-hand room having a breakable wood door on its "south" side, a weapons rack to the right (different loot in each one at least), and the fountain blocking the exit on the far left end of the pair of rooms - seems like something that shouldn't happen.

    Also, autosaves are vanishing - when I went to play to grab the screenshot right now, there was only the saved game in the saved folder, whereas last night when I closed the game there was both the save and the autosave available...

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  19. rydash

    rydash Member

    That particular example is an intentional room.

    And it's come up so many times that I really should have it put in the "Not Bugs" part by now.
  20. Ah. Well, since you can go around it anyway (the long way 'round!), that's good.

    My other points (about floor generation and autosaves), though, still stand. :)