Molluscology: Slime and mana. Invertebrate style.

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by TSED, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. TSED

    TSED Member

    Revel with impunity in your own bodily secretions! Domesticated Landsquid! Love darts! It's Totally Radula, man!

    [Also available in Steamworks.]
    [Check the end of the thread - Kaidelong provided bug fixes. Thanks, Kaidelong!]

    PATCHETHED: Gastropodal SHOULD no longer crash the game! Also, greatly increased the duration of love darts because of feedback.

    A wizard skill tree with a fairly varied host of options at its disposal. It's got defensive buffs, retaliatory dots, acidic slime trails for as long as you have the mana to supply them, invisibility, a pet, a spammable negligible-damage-but-has-a-chance-to-charm, and even an ultimate zoo-clearer. Also starts you off with a bolt of squid, because you can usually find those on the first floor anyway and also it's pretty cool? And also also, your slime will help protect you from acid and will cause magical attacks to slide off! What more could a wizard ask for?!


    [​IMG] Love Darts: +1 magic resistance.
    Shoot three darts in a cone in front of you, each with a chance to charm your target for 6-8 turns! Nice.

    [​IMG] Camouflagery: +2 magic resistance
    Turn invisible for a few short turns. Those cuttlefish are really on to something.

    [​IMG] Totally Radula: +1 magic resistance
    Unleash the horror of mollusc digestive tracts on your opponent. A melee attack spell that can cause fleshbore, acid burn, and even apophallation (a pretty unwanted debuff)!

    [​IMG] Terrarius Cephalopodus: +1 magic resistance
    Aww! Your own pet landsquid. He's adorable!

    [​IMG] Gastropodal: +2 magic resistance, +1 acid resistance
    Turn into a magical slug! Use your eyestalks to view further, enjoy your increased savviness and spell power, and leave an acidic slime trail behind you! Sucks up mana exactly as voraciously as a magical slug would, and slugs are not known for their defensive capabilities. You're a clumsy block of goo-flesh, in other words.

    [​IMG] Nudibranch Spines: +1 magic resistance, +1 block
    You have a chance of incredibly toxic spines slashing up your assailants! Suddenly, the bright blue colour of your magical slug form makes sense!

    [​IMG] The Clam Slam: +2 block, +1 acid resistance
    First and foremost, create a protective shell around you. It doesn't last very long, but, you know, it's pretty good at its job (and it stacks up to 3 times!). Secondly, you have a chance to stun those in front of you! Those guys are jerks and totally deserve it. You also have this chance whenever you block an attack, so perhaps you should try to face your opponent?

    [​IMG] Ball of Squid: +2 magic resistance, +1 acid resistance
    The holy grail of zoo killers, the Bolt of Squid, is now available in castable form! Don't cast it at something near you! Also, because you really hate how squid tastes, you won't be able to cast it again for some time, and your memory of its awful taste will debuff your savviness and magic power.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
    OmniNegro and Daynab like this.
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I love you TSED! This is awesome. :D
  3. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Downloading now, but will have to try it out tomorrow. :(
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  4. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Camouflag and gastropodal have no icons, and at least camouflag crashes the game when skilled. The icons were not reported as missing, though....
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  5. TSED

    TSED Member

    ... That's weird. I have no issues on my end. Although trying to figure out what your issue was has led me to notice that nudibranch fires WAY more often than it should be - I suspect the polymorph version is firing for the regular version as well.

    Anyway, mind opening up the .zip and telling me if your .pngs are missing or something?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  6. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Something odd is going on with this. See this image.

    Some of these mods were working for me a few days ago. I am currently disabling them one at a time to see what is the problem.
  7. TSED

    TSED Member

    I tried using the .zip instead of the folders and I had the same problem. Unfortunately, I don't know what's causing it. At first I tried copying one of the other skills that isn't all explodey (clamslam, specifically) twice, renamed them, and copy pasted from a screenshot of this imgur album. That didn't work, either.

    So: ???????!!??. I had no idea what's wrong.

    But then Aegho in IRC figured out what the problem was! Somehow capital letters got into the skillDB.xml for the file names of those images. I don't know how (I didn't put them there), but, welp, that's what was wrong. Uploading fix now.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  8. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    What're the first and third skills in that screenshot?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Crafting Guru and Laser Eye Surgery.
  10. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    It works fine now. Odd. I could have sworn I checked for that exact error. (I have seen capitalization errors before.)

  11. TSED

    TSED Member

    Someone mentioned that casting Gastropodal crashed their game. Curious, I double checked and found no problem when I played it, so I tried playing it from the .zip.

    BAM, instant crash upon cast. The debug command thingummy also vanishes, so it's of no help. I thought maybe it was a capitalization error like what had just happened, so I ran it through the Dredmor capitalization fixer. The game no longer crashed, but the slime trail was somehow broken. I went into it again, re-changed the requirebuffontrigger / requirebuffonnottrigger / etc. to be full lower-case again... and straight back to crashing.

    Guys, what is this I don't even.

    Gastropodal and all subspells as follows:
    <spell name="Slime Trail" type="targetFloor"
      mineSpritePngRate="100" >
      <effect type="damage" acidic="3" acidicF="0.10" affectsCaster="0" />
    <spell name="Slimey Trails" type="self" >
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Gastropodal" spell="Slime Trail" amount="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffonnottrigger="1" requirebuffonnottriggername="Slime Trailblazing" spell="Slime Trailblazing" amount="2" />
    <spell name="Slime Trailblazing" type="self">
      <buff useTimer="1" time="1" manaUpkeep="1" removable="1" stackSize="1" stackable="0" self="1"  icon="skills/spells/stagnant_deluge64.png" smallIcon="skills/spells/stagnant_deluge32.png">       
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Gastropodal" spell="Slime Trail" amount="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Gastropodal" spell="Slimey Trails" amount="2" />
      <description text="Since salt is such a bad idea right now, you've decided to slime the earth instead.  It's only natural. (Start cancelling this to remove the trail, if you're so inclined.)" />
    <spell name="Gastropodal" type="self" icon="skills/gastropodal32.png" wand="0">
        <requirements mp="12" savvyBonus="0.1" minCost="7" />
      <buff useTimer="0" removable="1" manaUpkeep="8" stackSize="1" self="1"  icon="skills/gastropodal64.png" smallIcon="skills/gastropodal32.png">       
            <polymorph name="Slug"/>
            <primaryBuff id="5" amount="5"/><!-- Savvy -->
            <primaryBuff id="2" amount="-15"/><!-- Nim -->
            <secondaryBuff id="3" amount="10"/><!-- magic power -->
            <secondaryBuff id="17" amount="1"/><!-- trap sight -->
            <secondaryBuff id="18" amount="3"/><!-- perception -->
            <resistBuff acidic="5" slashing="-5" crushing="-5" piercing="-5" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Slime Trail" amount="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Slime Trail" amount="2" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Slime Trailblazing" amount="2" resistable="0" />
      <description text="You're a magic slug!" />
      <impact sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_hit/mystic_hit" frames="5" frameRate="60" centerEffect="0" sfx="blast" />
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_missile/mystic_missile" frames="4" frameRate="90"  centerEffect="0" sfx="magic" />

    Apparently, great success! This is it now:

    <spell name="Slime Trail" type="targetfloor"
      mineSpritePNGRate="100" >
      <effect type="damage" acidic="3" acidicF="0.10" affectscaster="0" />
    <spell name="Slimey Trails" type="self" >
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Gastropodal" spell="Slime Trail" amount="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffonnottrigger="1" requirebuffonnottriggername="Slime Trailblazing" spell="Slime Trailblazing" amount="2" />
    <spell name="Slime Trailblazing" type="self">
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Gastropodal" spell="Slime Trail" amount="1" />
      <buff useTimer="1" time="1" Removable="1" stacksize="1" stackable="0" self="1"  icon="skills/spells/stagnant_deluge64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/stagnant_deluge32.png">           
      <description text="Since salt is such a bad idea right now, you've decided to slime the earth instead.  It's only natural. (Start cancelling this to remove the trail, if you're so inclined.)" />
        <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Gastropodal" spell="Slimey Trails" amount="2" />
    <spell name="Gastropodal" type="self" icon="skills/gastropodal32.png" >
        <requirements mp="12" savvyBonus="0.1" minCost="7" />
      <buff useTimer="0" removable="1" manaUpkeep="1" stackSize="1" self="1"  icon="skills/gastropodal64.png" smallIcon="skills/gastropodal32.png">           
            <polymorph name="Magical Slug Form"/>
            <primaryBuff id="5" amount="5"/><!-- Savvy -->
            <primaryBuff id="2" amount="-15"/><!-- Nim -->
            <secondaryBuff id="3" amount="10"/><!-- magic power -->
            <!-- <secondaryBuff id="14" amount="-10"/> -->
            <secondaryBuff id="17" amount="1"/><!-- trap sight -->
            <secondaryBuff id="18" amount="3"/><!-- perception -->
            <resistBuff acidic="5" slashing="-5" crushing="-5" piercing="-5" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Slime Trail" amount="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Slime Trail" amount="2" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Slime Trailblazing" amount="2" />
      <description text="You're a magic slug!" />
      <impact sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_hit/mystic_hit" frames="5" frameRate="60" centerEffect="0" sfx="blast" />
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_missile/mystic_missile" frames="4" frameRate="90"  centerEffect="0" sfx="magic" />
    More info at "11."
    OmniNegro likes this.
  12. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    I do not know what is wrong with this, but I will leave it to you guys to figure out since I fly to Turkey later this day:
    OmniNegro likes this.
  13. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member




    frelus, when you get back, upload your save file
    OmniNegro likes this.
  14. TSED

    TSED Member

    I'm really curious as to what happens when you hit a thing with that.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  15. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I bet a crash happens. ;)
  16. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Nope, it just does not add any damage to the attack. Just like unarmed.
    The save should be one of the three I attach to this message, I just cannot figure out which because steam keeps replacing them when I delete them.
    The next char I made did not have this bug, and after I took the bolt out of the weapon slot of this one, I could not place it back into it either (Don't worry, closed with Taskmanager, the save is still the same.
    Mods are in a txt in the zipfile.
    I know that there is a ton of mods, so I do not expect anyone to download them all just to try this out.
    Also, some are Steam Workshop exclusive -.-
    Well, have fun with this :D
    I may post per mobile phone the next week, but do not expect anything more than 2 sentences.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  17. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    I'm guessing it is because it is supplied as a "weapon" in the starting loadout.
    Aegho likes this.
  18. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Yeah I accidentally supplied glasses as a weapon for a mod once. Yeah it went in weapon slot instead of head despite being a helmet.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  19. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    If arrows need to be supplied as weapons (check archery and thrown to see if they have to?) then you could supply a small wooden crossbow as well just to ensure that it spawns instead of the squid bolt (or any other weapon).
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  20. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    I'm fairly sure bolts should be added as bolt. But yeah check archery.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.