Develop Plan:[skill]Bomb Master

Discussion in 'Modding' started by sSs1897, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. sSs1897

    sSs1897 Member

    I have designed a skill set but I am good on neither drawing nor programming.
    Looking for help.

    Bomb Master
    level0:Boom Maker
    You are a proud recruit of Dwarven Bomb Council now and you are always with some bombs at hand for different use.​
    +1 blast resist; use: spawn 3 makeswift bomb/cooldown:35​
    level1:Lay Bomb
    The White Bomber Man is back! You can lay a bomb on the ground and after three turns..BOOOOOOM!​
    +1 blast resist;use:lay bombs​
    level2:Maker of Higher Explosives
    You now know the recipe of some greater explosives after some nose-blowing experiments. Also, after your nose is blown-off, you are nearly immune to most explodes.​
    +2 blast +1 fire resist;​
    Glycerol+Aqua Fortis--->Dynamite​
    Bituminous Coal--->Phenol/Toluene​
    Phenol+Aqua Fortis+brimstone--->TPA​
    Toluene+Aqua Fortis+brimstone--->TNT​
    Several Products of Dynamite,TPA,TNT​
    level3:Crazy Ivan
    Red alert! Crazy Ivan is coming! You can put bomb on enemy units and watch them go to their doom! Notice: It's easy to tie the monster and the bomb but it's hard to untie the monster and you.​
    +1 blast resist;use: put bomb on monsters​
    level4:Kamikaze Attack
    As a devoted member of Dwarven Bomb Council, you even put bombs on yourself. Remember, those who fears you may call you terrorists, but you are a Kamikaze Figher. BANZAI!​
    +3 blast resist;use: unleash a great explode from yourself​
    Kazeto likes this.
  2. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    I think the cooldown should be higher or maybe only makes 1 bomb. Right now Lucky Pick makes 3 lockpicks with a cooldown of 44. I can make a lot of picks per level, hundreds at least. With 3 bombs at 35 cooldown, they are going to be the new item to lutefisk. Other than that, it sounds good. :)
  3. sSs1897

    sSs1897 Member

    Since you are always throwing bombs and even this may not be enough.... Anyway, if everyone think it's imba, this shall gain a higher cooldown.
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Technically speaking, it's comparable to Lucky Pick in terms of cooldown. And yet, the items it spawns are much more useful, because you can always find something to use bombs on while lockpicks don't get much use aside from the passive use and one active skill that may or may not be used by the character.
  5. zaratustra

    zaratustra Member

    Would be interesting to have a harvest-like ability that drops Black Powder for the various bomb recipes.
  6. sSs1897

    sSs1897 Member

    But how could you harvest black powder from slimes? In fact, the first skill is made for that, and from level2 you could not only use black powder but TNT/TPA/Dynamite as well.
  7. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I think what he means is for the first skill to give you a chance to get something like black powder from some (or all) monsters when you kill them, with said item being usable for some recipes. I think it's a good idea, actually, but each to his own.
  8. sSs1897

    sSs1897 Member

    Hmm..I got what you mean. Technically, I agree that this skill looks better than my original one, but the only thing is I can't imagine how to harvest black powder from any of those monsters.. It's strange to find that in the corpse of diggles, mushrooms, AIs, demons or something like that, and those ingredients are useful in many ways other than mixing powder. Still, let me think about it.
  9. zaratustra

    zaratustra Member

    Coal from constructs, sulfur from blobs and saltpetre from animals, then.
  10. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    I think you mean brimstone not sulfur from blobs. :) This sounds more useful as I would have ingredients to use on other craftable items if I needed them.
  11. sSs1897

    sSs1897 Member

    That should be OK. In fact, the thing that confuses me most is that you can transfer two diggle eggs into a brimstone..How? So I think these ideas shall help, THX.
  12. zaratustra

    zaratustra Member

    Eggs have sulfur/brimstone. Presumably diggle eggs are richer in it than the norm.
  13. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Particularly: Rotten eggs = sulfur (the smell is hydrogen sulfide).
  14. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    And we don't know for how long the diggle eggs were gathering dust in the dungeon. I'm surprised they heal at all, instead of releasing a toxic cloud or something.
  15. sSs1897

    sSs1897 Member

    Yeah..Had not you mentioned that rotten eggs have a smell of H2S I nearly forgot that.