1.0 Foreign invasion from Hell (apparently!)

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by devil_may_care, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. So I just had my first foreign invasion in my lovely colony in the swamps. 17 mecha republique scum attacked my 10 soldiers, two squads of five.

    Now this would be a normal occurrence I wouldn't fear, however unfortunately the moment the callout appeared that they would arrive within a couple days they all spawned in the middle of my settlement! Then I requested aid which naturally didn't arrive on time (both from the ministry and allies) due to the sudden appearance. So reduced to fighting these teleporting terrors alone with my improvised rifles (which ran out of ammo quickly), I somehow managed to kill them all within the day only losing two lower class soldiers (and a couple damage to some buildings).

    Hooray, right?? Unfortunately the powers that be disagreed. I was informed how thoroughly I had been thrashed and that everybody had lost respect for me... This feels a bit much, some numbers need tweaking perhaps?
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  2. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    I've had a similar issue. Minor losses from two squads told me I'd failed the invasion... as my barely scratched colony rushed to bury the foreign scum. Only had it once, though, and that was against Novorus.
    Exile likes this.
  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Thanks for the reports - logged as OC-5888. I wonder if militia being stood-down is causing the calculation to view the lowered troop count as a losses... Shall investigate and fix it up!
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  4. Testtestest

    Testtestest Member

    A dastardly false-flag by the Novorus, I say!
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  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Rewrote the calculation to find victory.

    Basically, it'll compare enemy squads and enemy agents vs. enemy agents killed, enemy leaders killed, enemy squads put to retreat, and enemy squads destroyed. If the former is higher than the latter, you lose.
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  6. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    Does that mean invaders will keep killing until they wipe out your colony (or are destroyed)?
    Exile likes this.
  7. Awesome stuff! Thanks a lot man :) Keep up the fantastic work, I hope you all still have a semblance of sanity left post launch!
    Exile and dbaumgart like this.
  8. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Their "attack" mission works on a timer. Once it's done, they will exit the map.
    Exile and Darkmere like this.