[Skill] Thaumite Mary

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by Sliferjam, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Sliferjam

    Sliferjam Member

    Thaumite Mary
    A vast swarm of thaumites call your body home.

    Thaumite Mary is a wizard oriented skill line that gives you a few thaumite themed abilities and buffs. As you grow and use your thaumites, they become more powerful and useful and you grow more resistant to them.

    Nanite Sweats - You appear to be leaking thaumites on the ground below you. Hope nothing steps in it.

    Achoo! - Thaumites did nothing for your seasonal allergies.... except turn them into a horrifying offensive tool.

    Field Nanosurgeon - Take some of the nanites out of your body and inject them right back into your body for a massive healing boost. Side effects may vary.

    Thaumite Man (or Woman) - Is he a dot, or is he a speck? Whatever he is, triangle man won't be giving him any more trouble.

    Grey Goo - When the Arch Wizard Raymond Kurzweil mentioned the possibility of thaumites destroying the entire world, you merely got ideas.

    Nanite Armor - He's more thaumite now than man. Your skin, and a few vital organs, are now made entirely of thaumites. It itches. A lot.

    Nanite Detonator - Did you know these little things had a self destruct switch? You do now.

    This mod assumes that Thaumites are magical nanites, or nanorobots. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This is also my first mod. It may not be very balanced and well tested, but I tried to make it fun and had fun making it.

    Side note: I plan on fixing up a few problems I had with the mod when I have time, as some of the skills are not what I would have liked for them to be. Certain problems, such as summoned mobs not casting spells for some reason, prevented me from doing a few things I would have liked to have done. Feedback is appreciated.

    Also available on the steam workshop.

    Attached Files:

    DragonDai, Daynab and OmniNegro like this.
  2. Aresius

    Aresius Member

    I started using this skill yesterday, and so far I like it.
    I just have a question about the Thaumite Man (or Woman) skill: what does it do? I checked the code and if I'm correct, it triggers a thaumite infection after every kill, but these thaumites won't infect any other creature or... well, the target is dead so it won't do anything to them.
  3. Sliferjam

    Sliferjam Member

    That part of the code was just testing for another unused skill. I liked the way it made enemies poof when you killed them, so I left it in, useless as it is. The rest of the skill is just a few buffs for the player.
  4. DragonDai

    DragonDai Member

    This skill would get about a million likes from me if possible for the TMBG reference. Also, it looks totally awesome. Gana have to give it a go.
  5. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Tried this out a few times yesterday and today. Lots of fun, but it does not scale very well mid or late game unfortunately :(

    For the first few floors, though, you re basically a god. Except against Unfriendly AIs.
  6. Sliferjam

    Sliferjam Member

    I'll see what I can do about that the next time I update the mod.