[Item Mod & Future Skill] Chefery

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by Phobus, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Phobus

    Phobus Member

    Current Version: 0.0.6
    Author: Phobus
    Contributors: wpb30635

    Provide you with the ability to get better use out of food type products and have some fun learning to mod.

    New Items:
    • Butter
      • 1hp
    New Dissemble:
    • Dire Sandwich -> 2x Sliced Bread
    • Danish -> 1x Sliced Bread
    New Patterns:
    • Tripe - 1x Offal
      • 10hp, 7g, meat
    • Meat Cube - 1x Cube of Flesh
      • 10hp, 7g, meat
    • Burger - 2x Ground Meat
      • 22hp, 59g, meat
    • Double Cheeseburger - 3x Ground Meat, 1x Grated Cheese
      • 50hp, 125g, meat
    • Mystery Stew - 1x Offal, 1x Cube of Flesh
      • 15hp, 39g, meat
    • Fauxghetti & Meatcubes - 1x Offal, 2x Cube of Flesh
      • 25hp, 115g, meat
    • French Canadian Toast - 1x Butter, 1x Sliced Bread, 1x Diggle Egg
      • 55hp, 115g
    • Pizza - 1x Sliced Bread, 1x Grated Cheese
      • 51hp, 121g
    • Meatcube Pizza - 1x Sliced Bread, 1x Grated Cheese, 1x Meat Cube
      • 62hp, 161g, meat
    • Hot Dog - 1x Offal, 1x Sliced Bread
      • 28hp, 99g, meat
    • Not Dog - 1x Tofu, 1x Sliced Bread
      • 31hp, 111g
    • Brrrito - 1x Sliced Bread, 1x Ground Meat, 1x Hyperborean Potion
      • Buff - "Brrrito Inside" - 35 turns
      • 6 :resist_hyperborean:, 2:dmg_hyperborean:, 30% Small Snowstorm, Regen Life 1
      • 680g
    • Momma's Firebreathing Chili - 1x Ground Meat, 1x Infernal Potion
      • Buff - "The Chili, It Burns" - 35 turns
      • 6:resist_conflagratory:, 2:dmg_conflagratory:, 30% Fire 1, Regen Life 1
      • 680g
    • Fruit Salad - 1x Apple, 1x Pear, 1x Plum
      • 19hp, 19mp [This does work, though the tool tip only displays the hp.]
      • 59g
    • Electrified Sushi - 1x Voltaic Potion, 1x Bolt of Squid
      • Buff - "Eletrifying Terror" - 35 turns
      • 6:resist_voltaic:, 2:dam_voltaic:, 30% Arc 1, Regen Life 1
      • 720g
    Other Stuff:
    The intent is to provide some food cooking type elements to enhance food style buffs, not to make food so powerful you always win. I do not know where it's at balance wise and appreciate any comments, feedback, and criticism.
    [I'm well aware my artwork is pathetic, I'm working on that].

    Future Plans:
    Currently working on v.0.1.0 which will include a skill tree for Chefery as well.
    Later versions might include cooking type monsters and rooms as well.

    Attached Files:

    Vitellozzo, Daynab and OmniaNigrum like this.
  2. My intuition was that this would break the game with big game hunter. After testing... yep, it really does. Big game hunter guarantees a fast and pretty safe level 2, and a fast level 2 = infinite hp via butchery. 2 more levels, and you pretty much never have to worry about hp until level 5-6. Monster zoos can still kill you, of-course, but the ability to hit a diggle once or twice, then make something that regens ~10-20 hp is too much, imo.
  3. Phobus

    Phobus Member

    So take a look at the healing # on tripe, meatcube, burger, and double cheeseburger to balance better with big game hunter?


    I tried a few rounds with BGH, and found that if I found/started with a grater & press you do seem to have quite a bit of food. [The times I didn't find a grater didn't fair nearly as well.]

    Guessing drop the tripe/meatcube heal... maybe add bread to the ingrediants for burger & cheeseburger to balance the high heal?
  4. Getting Graters early is a hit and miss. However, you will almost always find an ingot press by the end of floor 1 (assuming vanilla - having more rooms mods can mess that up for you). The problem with the combo isn't so much floor 1. It's really what it does to the floors later on that's problem. You see, offal and what not do not heal for a lot outright, but you get so much of it for what is basically a 1-3 level investment that it makes floor 1 damage almost irrelevant (if you simply trade blows with everything you meet, you will typically take ~5-10 damage per small encounters i.e. 2+ monsters at once). The problem is that the amount of healing quickly scales off from there (If you don't luck on some good items, encounters with, say, stacks of zombies hurt for a lot), while the floor theme typically means a lower incidence of animals. So you essentially end up with a tree that made your floor 1 very easy, lets you round off the edges in terms of lost hp, gives decent stats, boosts your exp acquisition rate all game long, at the cost of power in the long term.
    Yes, in the early game, you may not have a grater/press right away, but what this mod and its recipes does is improve the long term value of the tree. I.e. It moves from "round off edges in terms of lost hp", to "being able to heal a sizeable chunk of hp every few rooms". The 50hp on double cheeseburger, for example, is still relevant all the way down to floor 15.

    Also - Pizza heals too much hp - A cheese + bread heals for significantly less hp. Grating the cheese pretty much lets you heal more hp for a smaller investment (since you still have grated cheese left). Given that grated cheese is already pretty good as is (because of cheesy omelet), you should at least consider matching the stats for Pizza with cheesy omelet (i.e. bread + 3 grated cheese, a bit more hp than cheesy omelet, on account of bread being harder to find)
  5. Phobus

    Phobus Member

    I think I understand what you're saying. I will attempt to sum up your comment and put in my attempted balances below each.

    • Since Pizza is vegan friendly and heals more than cheesy omelet [oops].
      • Adding butter to it's craft pattern would help balance the amount of healing power granted by it. My thought is to keep this a viable mid vegan food option.
      • 1x Sliced Bread, 1x Grated Cheese -> 1x Sliced Bread, 1x Grated Cheese, 1x Butter
    • Tripe & Meatcubes are too high powered for their ingredients making them too strong for floor 1 [with some luck] and they are almost completely useless on later floors.
      • Tripe was kind of a joke item, as most people find it completely disgusting.
        • 10hp -> 4hp
      • Meatcubes are meant to be a stepping stone to the meatcube pizza, but again the healing power is too strong for floor 1 [where it's very easy to get them].
        • 10hp -> 4hp
    • Burgers - With some luck and properly skill selection, are ridiculously easy to come by making floor 1-3 a joke.
      • 2x Ground Meat -> 3x Ground Meat
      • 22hp -> 18hp
    • Double Cheeseburger - Break the game and you should be ashamed. ;)
      • 3x Ground Meat, 1x Grated Cheese -> 2x Burger, 2x Grated Cheese
      • 50hp -> 42hp [since double cheeseburgers == meaning of life]

    Oh, and as always, thank you for your feedback! :)
  6. Since butter is an item that's unique to your mod, that goes a long way to balancing pizza out. How balanced it is will depend on how easy you make it to get that butter.

    In terms of tripe/meatcubes, what you really need to think about is just how much extra hp you are getting just for having an ingot press + the components, as opposed to just the components. You also need to factor in the relative rarity of the components. A good example is the grilled sandwich, which gives something like 9 extra hp for what is basically two components that can only be found, not made, and are quite rare at that.
    Compared to that, Tripe now gives something like 2 extra hp (if memory serves) just for having the recipe, which numerically doesn't seem like much, but still is a 100% gain in terms of hp regen. Cube of flesh to meatcube doesn't give any gains (i think), but because it's a stepping stone to a much better item, it's a fair choice, imo. Besides, Cubes of flesh are components for the omnipotent pork sword, so it's pretty good to begin with anyway.
    On burgers - 3x ground meat still gives too much for you investment (i think it's something like converting 6hp worth of items into 18hp), while double cheeseburger doesn't give enough (at the current level, two burgers + two grated cheese would have healed you for almost 40 hp anyway). Imo, make the burger 4x Ground meat, lower the heal slightly (2-3 hp), and buff the double cheese burger slightly (2-3 hp).
    Kazeto likes this.