Dredmor 1.0.10 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Apr 4, 2012.

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  1. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    The only problem I have with the current save method is not saving at all. It is loading every last tile of every level every time you load. After 10+ floors it takes a solid minute to load a savegame and has exactly zero need to load all that nonsense. It should load the floor you are on. Not even the floor above and below. Just the one. It can load those later if you go to those floors.

    I know this is very unlikely to change anything. But I just wanted to get my opinion spat out. Thank you for your time.
  2. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    Well this is a result of the fact that this game allows you to revisit previous floors as they were, unlike most roguelikes i've played. Saving only the current floor would completely screw me over, as I frequently return to earlier floors (sometime 4 or 5 up, depending on my laziness to relocate) to visit my stash of goodies I don't want to keep on-hand. EDIT: I see what you're saying - load the floor you enter, not the whole thing. That's fine, just as long as all floors are still saved, or it's known that floor state is lost when leaving it.

    I have no issue with the time it takes to load a game, but the time it takes to save is a bit cumbersome when it feels random while you play (not as big a deal when it's tied with something known, like climbing stairs). I would like to ditto the previous post asking for a config for autosaves. I think 5 min is rather too aggressive, and think 15 min is a good default. I, personally, might even drop it to 30 minutes.
  3. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I'm going to split save games at some point. But given that I have several hard deadlines for Odin and this involves touching a lot of code, I have no idea when this is going to happen. But the more I look at the situation, the more I think it's the right call.

    (Plus, we probably have to do this for the iPad port anyway.)
    Essence, lccorp2 and Marak like this.
  4. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    Good Luck! (and thanks :D)
  5. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Moderately annoying bug discovered: Tentacular Infestation traps will cast the debuff on you when enemy monsters step on them.

    I don't know if this had anything to do with my previous actions: I tried to disarm it once, failed. Then waited for the debuff to run out and the fire pillar to appear. Then I went to another room, used Animal Friend on a Hungry Diggle, and went back to the trap. Hungry Diggle Friend stepped on the trap, I got the debuff. Opened the next room. monsters from that room stepped on the trap, and I got the debuff also. Lost health each time the debuff ran out and spell effects were applied.

    For players who aren't using Necronomiconomics/who don't have :resist_nercomatic: resist, it could kill them.

    Also, these new Bolt Council traps are mean as hell. I like it. Later game needed stronger bolt type traps.
  6. Blind Piper

    Blind Piper Member

    Any chance we could at least have a "disable autosave" option in the meantime? It's impossible for me to play this way.
  7. DraigoDragon

    DraigoDragon Member

    Got a question about the new patch just wondering if it makes the lutefisk cube not spawn in first floor or am i just being unlucky?
  8. Quarky

    Quarky Member

    You're just unlucky. On my last play through I got 2 on the first floor.
  9. DraigoDragon

    DraigoDragon Member

    all right thanks for the help on my play through on the last patch i got lutefisk cubes on the first floor all the time
  10. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    I had a runthrough where I did not get a cube until floor 11. Just a standard random chance :)
  11. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    Just mentioned this in another thread - but I thought it bore repeating.

    I *love* the more useful low-level crafting recipes. Thief Gloves at Alchemy 2 is my current favorite. It really addresses some of the systemic problems with crafting - such as "why bother taking the first few points?" Putting a crucial (and easy to make) item like that at level 2 is awesome. I love the idea of making equipment which is situational - not something I'll use all game, but something I really want sometimes. Many weapon / armor recipes are just useless, because unless they up-craft into something awesome, they are just a waste of ingots.

    So - low or mid-level craft recipes which give me +Traps or +elemental resistances or a big +sneak are very welcome! I could even see a weapon that does minor damage, but gives +10 Caddishness, or something.
    coldcandor and SkyMuffin like this.
  12. Marak

    Marak Member

    Minor oopsie: when drowning, the Male Hero animation plays, even if you're playing as Emoette VIII, with her flowing, red-dyed-black locks.

    Re: Vampirism

    This skill really seems like a way to handicap a character instead of being something desirable; I struggled with health constantly and if not for being able to spam The Cure (and backing up my Mana Pool with Blood Magic), I would have died several times on the first two floors. Drinker of the Dead still doesn't scale in any way and I'm still not sure why; 4 health per corpse is great for Floors 1 and 2 - but it then degrades to "near worthless" by Floor 3 and then again to "get this crap off my bar" by Floor 4 or 5.

    This has been my experience ever since 1.0.4 or so; I've played several Vampire characters and I always end up regretting my decision to try Vampirism again, because it typically contributes in some direct way to my death. You'd think that a Skill like Vampirism could be used as your "support healing skill", like Fungal Arts or Fleshsmithing or Psionics, etc, but the fact that you have to have a backup Healing Skill Tree for your Healing Skill Tree says "failure" to me. Maybe I'm just Doing It Wrong™, but I can never get Vampirism to work (except for like, 1 Vampire Fencer that I killed Dredmor with back in like, 1.0.2 or somesuch).

    Oh well, back to the drawing board for Emoette IX. Maybe make her into more of a caster or something.
    coldcandor likes this.
  13. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    The real problem with Vampirism is that as a skill, it encourages melee fighting, but the proc still gets better based on :magic_power:. For it to really function properly, I fell it needs to scale to something else. Like :melee_power:. Or :burliness:. Or even :crit: (neck bite!)
  14. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Can such things scale to more than one thing? Like :burliness: + :melee_power: / 3 = A, :crit: / 2 = B, A + B = C and use a third of C as the chance for it to proc on a kill?
  15. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Yeah, I should probably do something like that.
    Glazed and Marak like this.
  16. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    They can, if you get more than one of the same effects, and make them scale from different things. But then again, if anything, I think that Vampirism should be scaling with warrior levels (like, +10% for every level over the first one, or slightly more), or with burliness (whatever the scaling would be there).
  17. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    I've tried two options for drains - scaling according to :melee_power: and :life:. Personally, I think the latter works better.
  18. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I vaguely think I've taken care of the autosave crash.
    Marak likes this.
  19. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    Oh, if we're going to make Vampirism scale to something new, it should probably be a Rogue skill, not a Wizard skill. I always felt that was a weird place to put it and assumed it was to help you get :magic_power:.
  20. Marak

    Marak Member

    I'd like to see it scale with a Primary Stat - :burliness: is the obvious choice, but a Rogue-y stat like :caddishness: might also work. Right now, the problems with it all lead to catch-22s: if you kill your :magic_power: with heavy armor (so you take less damage so that Vamprism can "keep up"), your life leech can't keep up because it's limited to a couple of health per hit. If you try to go all mage-armored or rogue-armored with Dual Weilding, you can keep a fair amount of your :magic_power: but you take so much damage per hit that the slightly higher health leeched per hit still doesn't keep up.

    Either way, what ends up happening is that you end up needing to take a healing skill on top of vampirism, which means you effectively wasted one of your 7 skill choices.
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